User Review - Flag as inappropriate this is the most spectacular book of all time.the author is no other than the god father of marketing management. Marketing (management)is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. Jan 27, 2018 The promotional tactics used by a store to increase the sale and frequency of purchase can be a good predictor of impulse buying (Mohan, Sivakumaran, & Sharma, 2013). Promotion is an important part of marketing management (Kotler & Keller, 2009 ). Thus, promotional tactics help to understand the impulse purchase made by the individuals. Marketing (management)is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
The leaders of successful companies must already be aware of how rapidly today’s world is changing as our destiny is shaped by four powerful forces: technology, globalization, deregulation and privatization. Companies that aren’t preparing for monumental change in the wake of these forces will not survive.
Popular formulas promising marketing success do exist, advising you to provide higher quality, better service or lower prices; secure a high market share; adapt and customize; continuously improve your product; create new products; enter high-growth markets or exceed customer expectations. While all of these strategies represent good goals under certain circumstances, the one marketing road to riches is as imaginary as the yellow brick road in Oz. You cannot depend on one particular differentiation or thrust. Instead, create your own unique tapestry of marketing qualities and activities.
Your choice of strategies depends on your company’s mix of products, services, organizational structures, environmental forces and other factors. For example, branded-goods manufacturers have one set of concerns, such as shrinking margins, rising sales ..
The history of U.S. marketing has followed three main stages. Marketing 1.0, which emerged from the Industrial Revolution, sold goods with product-centric promotions. It urged consumers to compare prices and quality, based on a “one-to-many” relationship. Each company addressed many customers. The information age spawned Marketing 2.0, which set out to satisfy consumers with goods and services that addressed their “functional and emotional” needs. The rise of personal computer networks and the internet gave the public access to vast amounts of new information. To differentiate their products, marketers added emotion to their “one-to-one” communication, with each firm trying to establish relationships with individual customers.
“New-wave technology” has now enabled “Marketing 3.0.” While consumers will always want products to work well for a reasonable price, they now also expect firms to keep them in the loop via social networking and to address their values. Marketing 3.0 is based on engaging companies in a “many-to-many” relationship with consumers, featuring “functional, emotional and spiritual” connections with communities..