HJ5201 Serial Number Reference Guide. Updated Serial Number Reference Guide is a Must amongst Collectors, Restoration Specialists, and Tractor Lovers of all Kinds. This Guide Covers Major Brands from the 1910’s thru 1990. Locate the model number of the tractor on the parts list that came with the tractor. Step 5 Decode the serial and model numbers by using the charts on the Kubota Engine America website.

  1. Kubota Tractor Serial Number Decoder
  2. Kubota Tractor Year By Serial Number

Kubota Tractor Serial Number Decoder

Kubota Tractor Corporation pays their marketing department a lot of money to come up new model and series numbers each year. These new numbers can be confusing and make you think you need to be a Navajo Code Talker just to understand what you’re looking at. The good news is that you don’t have to be. In this post, we’ll take a look at Kubota Model numbers and break down what they mean and what they can tell you about a specific Kubota tractor.

Kubota has 3 basic tractor model types:

  • B : 18-30hp subcompact tractors
  • L: 30-60 hp compact tractors
  • M: 40- 135 hp Tractors

There is only one variation, which is a X in the model. This X signifies that it is a smaller version of the model before it. Therefore, a BX tractor is the smallest series, or a small version of the B series and likewise, an MX tractor is the small version of the M Series.

Step 2: Behind the numbers

The basic breakdown of a Kubota Tractor Model Number

After the series letters there are numbers ex L4060. After step 1 we know that the L stands for Kubota’s line of L series tractors. But what about the numbers?

  • The first number after the letter is the horsepower. This is an 40 horse Compact tractor.

The Second number tells us what chassis the tractor is on. This is where things can get a little tricky, especially if you’ve got an older Kubota. For the last 10 years the Grand L Series Kubotas have been denoted with 30 a 40 or a 60 after the number. The standard L Series has been 00 or recently 01. For tractors 10 years or older, please contact your dealer for series information.

Click here to learn the difference between the Grand L and Standard L Series

Therefore, a L3901 is a 39 horsepower standard L tractor. Whereas the L4060 we looked at before is a 40 horsepower Grand L Tractor.

  • The BX Series have ended in 50 60 and the most recent are 70.
  • The B Series ends in 20 and 50, the 50 is the larger chassis.
  • The L Series presently has 01 (standard L) and 60 (Grand L- Larger Frame).
  • The MX Series is 00.
  • The M Series is denoted by 60, X, or GX- These are the big 100+ hp tractors.
Kubota Tractor Year Serial Number

Step 3: The Fender Letters

On the rear fender of the L Series and up there are usually 3 letters, 4WD, HST or GST. These denote which type of transmission the tractor has. Manual transmission cars for sale.

4WD: Stand L Gear Drive*

4WD means four wheel drive, but also signifies its a standard gear drive tractor

HST means the tractor has a hydrostatic transmission- a pedal for forward and reverse.

GST: Glide Shift (Only available on Grand L Models)

GST means the tractor has a glide shift transmission- a clutch free transmission.

*Note: All B series tractors have 4WD but most come with a hydrostat transmission.

Step 4: Loader Numbers

The number following LA in the model number tells you kg lift capacity.

A lot of people only see the loader number on the tractor because the loader covers up the tractor numbers. This is common, don’t worry if you’ve made that mistake. The loader numbers are the easiest to figure out. Basically it’s LA which stands for Loader, then the lift capacity in kilograms. So a LA 1154 can lift 1154 kg. The easy way to guess that in lbs. is to double the number, so a LA 1154 can lift roughly 2,308 lbs.

Kubota Tractor Year By Serial Number

Well that is the high level view of Kubota model numbers as they are right now. It’s hard to guess how they might be further on down the road. As for older models, you’ll have to call in and ask. If you have any further question feel free to come in and chat or give us a call!