Developer Tools; Get Started. SAP SQL Anywhere (v17) Deliver mission-critical services to Internet of Things systems and data-intensive apps. All-in-one access to SAP Crystal Reports 2016, SAP Crystal Dashboard Design 2016, and SAP Crystal Server. Keygen (Sap R3 License And Object Key Generator v1 70) download File name: Keygen (Sap R3 License And Object Key Generator v1.70).exe Size: 86.00 KB. The developer access key is validated by SAP using a Kernel level C system program 'CHECK_DEVELOPER_KEY'. So, even if the developer access key has been deleted for a user ID in the DEVACCESS table, she can still use the same developer access key.

ACCESS KEY - First of all its provided by SAP. You can get the key from -> SAP SUPPORT PORTAL -> Keys & Requests -> SCCR Keys -> Registration. Here u can register a DEVELOPER or an OBJECT, by this time SAP will give the ACCESS KEYS.
**Note : To access u should have S number login or like that.
Only after obtaining that ACCESS KEY, SAP will allow the DEVELOPER to create some objects or change or modify Delivered objects.
Why ACCESS KEY - For creating or accessing any object some one should be responsible. Suppose, any issue arises with an object then can easily track the details who has created or modified.

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This content was created to explain the process of generating, obtaining, and resolving any errors with permanent, temporary, or trial license keys for Analytics solutions.


This page provides information on how on license keys for SAP BusinessObjects, now known as Analytics Solutions from SAP.

Permanent license keys

If your company has a maintenance agreement with SAP permanent license keys can be created in the SAP Support Portal. To do so, log on the portal at the link:

On the Request license keys tab, click Search an installation.

Once there you will need to complete 5 steps in order to generate the key.

Step 1:

On step number 1, select the Installation number that you want to request the license key for and select “Search”.

Step 2:

On step number 2, select “New system”.

Step 3:

On step number 3, enter any 3 letters or number’s for the system ID, enter a system name and select the system type, product, version & operating system then select “Continue”.

Step 4:

On step number 4, you will see a list of all the licenses you are entitled to request. Select the License Material and version you require. On the field 'Number of Licenses' enter the number of licenses you need at the moment. If all license keys are needed please type the total number you see within the brackets. Then select “Add” & “Continue”.

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Step 5

On step 5, you will see the details of the information that you have entered. The final step to request the license key is to enter & confirm your email address. Once this is done select “Submit” and within 15 minutes you will receive an e-mail with the activation code.

These steps are also contained in SAP Note 1251889 (License key request for SAP BusinessObjects). A step by step learning map guide on the process is available in the SAP Support Portal. While a video explaining it is also available in the SAP Community Network.

SAP Note 1285639 (What license types are available for BusinessObjects Enterprise) contains details of the different license types such as named, concurrent & CPU licenses.

Potential errors:

In order to generate the license key your S-User ID will need the correct authorization (LIKEY) assigned to it. If this is missing SAP Note 1511008 (How to assign authorizations for another S-User ID) provides details of how your company Super Administrator can assign or amend your authorizations.

If the version that you want to create the license key for is not selectable it could be out of maintenance. Information on product & version maintenance is available on the SAP Product Availability Matrix. If it is not in maintenance you would be unable to generate a license key for it. Instead you will need to upgrade to a version that is in maintenance and request a license key for that version.

If the number or type of licenses that are available to you are incorrect you should contact your SAP account executive who will be able to resolve this. Once this is done the correct number of licenses will be available for selection.

SAP Note 1566573 (Most common SAP BusinessObjects license key related) also contains additional information on common errors.

Temporary license keys

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If there are any errors creating a permanent license key, temporary BusinessObjects license keys are available in the SAP Support Portal. These keys can be downloaded by logging onto the support portal at the link and selecting the Obtain an SAP BusinessObjects temporary license key link. The temporary license keys are valid for up to 90 days from the time they were created. Additional details are available in SAP Note 197623 (Temporary license keys).

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Trial license keys

Free Analytics Solutions trial software is available on the web site. If you require assistance with a trial version license key you will need to contact the team responsible for this website or the SAP pre-sales team. This can be done on the “contact us” or “chat now” section of the web site.

Sap Developer Keys

Alternatively you could contact the SAP Customer Interaction Center and they could provide the details of your local sales office for your pre-sales queries. SAP note 560499 - Global Support Customer Interaction contains the contact numbers for the SAP customer interaction centre.

Related Documents

Related SAP Notes/KBAs

1251889 - License key request for SAP BusinessObjects

1285639 - What license types are available for BusinessObjects Enterprise

1288121 - Temporary license keys

1566573 - Most common SAP Business Objects license key related

1511008 - How to assign authorizations for another S-User ID

560499 - Global Support Customer Interaction

Sap Developer Access Key

Page:Editing a SAP BusinessObjects license key