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Pottery and Ceramic Hand Building classes in Sydney. Learn about the practice of pottery and how lumps of soft clay are transformed into beautiful pieces of long-lasting ceramic. In this course you will be given guidance in various aspects of the. Pottery for beginners can be intimidating, there are so many technical terms and strange looking tools. I was introduced to the craft through my wife, so I got a bit of a head start. Hopefully this page will help someone who is getting started with pottery. Ceramics are always popular with crafters, and hand building with low-fire earthenware is a natural place to start. With its wealth of information and images, elegant design, and time-tested advice this beautiful new book by artist Shay Amber will inspire even the most intimidated beginner. Handbuilding is an ancient pottery-making technique that involves creating forms without a pottery wheel, using the hands, fingers, and simple tools. The most common handbuilding techniques are pinch pottery, coil building, and slab building. Get this from a library! Ceramics for beginners: hand building. [Shay Amber] -- With a wealth of information and images, elegant design and time-tested advice, this beautiful book on handbuilding ceramics will inspire even the complete beginner. Amber guides would-be ceramicists.
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Ceramic Books For Beginners
Ceramists will welcome the return of this classic guide to creating clay figures—now revised with four new projects, updated galleries, and a fresh introduction!
With plenty of how-to images, this accessible beginner’s guide teaches the art of making beautiful ceramic figures—both human and animal. Anyone who has ever rolled a “snake” out of clay or pinched a piecrust can easily complete the 12 skill-building projects here. Master teacher Susan Halls explores four basic techniques: pinching, slab building, coiling, and dowel work. Learn how to pinch a pot with a deep bowl shape, and use this technique to construct a plump pig. With the slab building method, you can make an enchanting bird-relief tile or turn a favorite family photo into a delightful diorama. The book also offers invaluable advice on setting up a studio or home workspace, using slips, and choosing a glaze. Galleries featuring a range of ceramic work illustrate the creative possibilities of each featured technique.
Ceramics For Beginners Hand Building Supplies
Ceramics For Beginners Hand Building Department
Suzane J.E ortillott
Nathalie or
Susan Hxley
om Gaines
Steve an
Cindy LaBract
Lrry f Cngr Clgng-n-Puln D Ambr, Shay Ceramics for beginners ad bildig/ Shay Amer -- 1st ed. p cm Inc des idex ISBN 9781600592430 (p wit jacket alk. paper) 1. Pottery craft itle T920A44 2008 738.1'4dc22 2008011404 1098764321 FirstEditio Pulised by Lark Books A Division of Sterling Pblishig Co c 387 Park Avenue Sot, New York, NY 10016 ext© 2008, Say Amber Potography© 2008, Lark Books less oterwise specied 11lstrations © 2008, Lark Books Distribted in Canada by Sterlig Plising, co Caadia ada Group, 16 Dffri Strt oroto Otario, Canada M6K 3H6 Distribted in te Uited Kigdom y GC Distrition Services, Castle Place 166 Hig Street Lewes East Sssex England BN7 1X
This book s dedcated to my godmother Lyne Brke, for her steadfast ecouragemet, love and spport.
Distribted in Australia by Caricor Link Astralia Pty Ltd, PO Box 704 Windsor NSW 276 Astralia writtn istructions potograps, dsigs, pattrs, ad rojcts i tis volume are iteded for te personal se of te reader ad may be reproduced for that prpose oly. Ay oter se esecially commercial use is forbidden under law witout written permissio of te copyright holder. Every effort has been made to esre tat all the informatio in this book is accrat Howvr, d to diffring conditios, tools, and individal skills th pulisr canot b rsposibl for any ijuris losss ad otr damags tat may result from the use of the iformation i tis book. f you ave questios or commets about tis ook please cotact Lark Books 67 Broadway Aseville, NC 28801 828-23-0467 afactured in Cina All rigts rsrvd SBN 13: 978160092430 or iformatio abot custom editions special sales, and premium and cororate prcases, please cotact te Ster ing Secial Sales Departmet at 80080489 or peialale@terlingpubom
Project:Tea Bowl
Project: Wafe Vase
Projec: Espesso Cup Set
Project: Coiled Boe
Project: Fooed Bow
Project: Wall Pocket
Project: Geometrc Vessel
Projec: Carved Lanten
Project: Appliq Tile
Projec: Bid Scptue
Project: Nestg Box
Projec: Sqae Plate
I love the feel of cay between my fngers Its smooth and mostan elementa materal I lke ts receptvty, the way t responds to the slghtest pressure, retanng marks and textures. hat is why I work wth clay, and why Im passonate about sharing what I know
isrucios nd sepbysep process poos ofer sple, normive nd ispied look e unl imied possibiies of forng cy by nd . Hand Building is e rs le in e ew Cemics o e gi ers seies; I wroe for ose wo w o ern o e s ipl e ye beiu c ermic objecs
U lie weel owig, e dbild ig
you cee d sice e work of oers c serve s
eods i is book equ ire l ile prcce s enjoy
insprio ec secio is ccopied by glery
e feel of cly in you d s d be wili g o er
of d-b il wok by coneporry ceri ss
s you go ecuse e bsic iormio ecniques,
Oce you ve n dersd ng of e
nd projecs i is bo ok re orged fro e
ecniq es d ve developed soe skil ls in ec,
sim ples o e mos i voved, I e courge you o
you're posed o ceive explorio. e sic
work fro fro o bck rer mpin g rou d
im pulse s lwys exised logsid e e need or
Tecques deonsred i ec secion buid on
cio l vessels You c use nd-bu fors o
e sil s d nowledge yo lered bou i
express n zin g rry o ides I in clud e secon
previous secios
explining ow brig bsic design elees
You'll ler ow o coose nd se cy, work
pern, spe, d exrefro poos, seces,
w e nd ools sed by cemiss, d g in
d oer sources direcly ino e form d s rce
knowledge o d ng e eqip e You'll so
of my own wok
fid inorion o seing p sfe d eicie
Te creiv e jouey does' e d er e
workspce en i's i e o ge ou bic of cly
oig o piece; i coniues wi e decisios
nd ry e simples eciqu e picig Seps nd
you mke wile decorng glg d firing Te
poos w k yo rog e gene r process e
Surfce ecoro seco gives n overview of
I sow yo ow o cree wo beuil fors usig
some eods for creig visl eres on piece
s is sil. Oe s e bowl icded becuse i
You m ig i nscibe e cy dw lines o i ne r cly
doesn' requie i g perec spe diio nl
on e sce; pols e cy o ric dee p gle m
Jp ese e bow so ld ve p erfecos e
or dd coor d d ep w ges povde recipes
oer, e Wer Vse, es e eod i n e iey
o glzes nd oer iqd embe lise s, d yo'll
diferen di econ s owing ow lile cly wfers c
discover scnig wys o ppy coig s ic
be combined o ke dmic piece
or s pe s me o glossy, s m il yered or
ore ndbildi g ecniq es olow coin g, drpin g sbs nd b dig w sf sbs, wi un projecs reed o ec. Te coi l secion or expl e
nspe s you like Fin lly, I cl de n oveview of e firing process Wi y smple d bsic pproc o d
feures se o espresso cups wi sprl nd les,
bui ldi ng yo c qu ckly cosrc bo seul
nd i e slb bildng secion, I ec yo o e
objecs nd scul prl orms, en coose o ny
Crved nern oer secio sows ow o
decorve meods o me e peces uni qe Te
smp cly d r s pin io n ppliqu yo
rewrdi ng wonderful wold of cly s ever bee
cn c o y fo ncl din g ies d sclpurl
more ccessble o esy o de rsd Pl ge your
piec es. You l so ler o mke you own smps,
ngers no u k o cly, d ge redy o dscover
c ld ng one or mrking yor me o every piece
your ow ceve vsio
U Ths chapter contans a rough overvew of what clay s and the diferent types of cay that are avalabe to sut your needs. Before you get your hands n the clay, you s hou d und erstand some of the bascs about the matera you wll be workng wth
ad noraic maerals so heye caled secondary cays wich are jus fine or had bui ld Kaolin is he os comon ye of a rer (primary) clay a cera iss ca fin d I's difcul o work wh because 's dense ad nonpastc (less liable) . Neverheless yo'l l d aoli ixed i o an ufacured clay ariclary orcelai , becase i has a low shrn kae rae a d i's wie Tere are her, more lasic clays han AN UNERSTANING OF BASC CAY COMPOSITION
w l hel you coose
he bes clay fo he fo ha you're
im oray, how o e clay o work
aoli called ba cays, b cera iss
for yo
mix he i no oher yes o clay since
Cay is bas cally a ki d of ulve
ey s in a o
makin an d deermie he way ha he
ied oc Ceraiss who know wha o
Yo e ed some exe ece
iece wi be ebe lished ad finished
look for may jus d i ou of he bank
wh clay beore you o o your own
Ahouh e cerami c rocess ivolves
of a rive or seam near he r sudio
reasre hun, becase workin wih
ceica comods a d chaes,
(Secific locaons are ofen cosely
clay ha you di u ivoves ue a bi
yo do' eed a sciece d eree o
a rded secres Thei oves are
o exere i Yo r bes corse of
und esand ow clay wos or o re
usualy conaaed wih oanic
acion is o rchase cay i you're
comforable w all of e rocesses tha are a of ceai a ceramic iece a nufacrers creae clay tha's forlated wi secific ua lities or and bid i a d robaby icde elul foration i the ackai For examle manacturers sually ndicae the clay's firing range (he oi low to hih eeatres o ea a ece a secalty ove caled a kiln nil the clay aticles comress o a e a for ha won' dissolve or easily brea k. Te ackai ay also indcate wat oher iediens are i the clay called additive. hese affect e co lo (see
ae 0 extue (see ae 10 a d Your rst ste is choosing a suitable clay because each tye has a unique coor consistency and ring range
firin rane
It always conain s some ao t
his clay because soeware cotais
Whe yo sho yo do' l ook or a
o iron oxide w ic accous or
metas ad minerals hat will aer is
im ary or secodary clay Instead
its siature red color Bt don' be
color rom i ht ray to dark brown
choose earthenware stoeware
s ised f you find wie eahe
wen fied.
o ocela in In a class setn yor
wae cl ay ry i t i y o wan o sh ow
nstrucor may have al hree yes
of a biht translu ce glaze (a liuid
soeware is durable Yet ocelain's
availa ble or yo o try because yo' l
hat when a ie d to a red clay ece
wte ransl cen aearace ives
ave access to te exerise and
a d rered uses to he s rface ad
i a deli cae istine sesi bil iy Its
eumen o hel you scceed.
becomes ard ad assike
sooth a d creamy cosistecy eels
O yor ow t's best to wok wih earthenware until you're established
aso a secodary clay
a ore refied ye of
wodefl and a lows te clay o ick u
is red at a ch h er emerate
he s i htest textual detail owever
han earhenware. Beore buyin i
is nonlasic ualty makes i difcult o
evaenand comoly sedtye
(or ocelai n m ake sre ha the kil
work wth
of secondary clay The fin shed iece
yore us i ca et ot eno At ts
shown at he star o every roject n
ea eeratre of 00 1 0C
this book is ade from i. Sice he
stoneware shri s ad becomes nea ly
he i temerare can draatcally
fiin temeratre is low aound 1940F
nonorou im ervious o waer Tis
chane cay's coor For exa e soe
o 1060C tis clay is a excellent
cay is erec for mak ucioa l
ware clay at's ray the raw state
choice f yo're coce red about he
wae at olds food or dri k becase
may k n the i ital r he
efec tha hre ki ns ave on the
lu ids wo' see thouh he clay
rn da ray or eve brown aer be
evronmen or you ockebook
wals hee ae m ay variaios o
glaze-ired (see ae 11 5
is the os
Glae can ad d a new coor to yo clay or ehance whas aready tere However, t e clay h at yo choose fo you piece wil aect the appearance of e laze f youe certai how a ae wil l look o a wh ite o a red cay apply te laze o a sampl e of each and fire it. I desred, you ca lessen the efec o yor clay on t he lae by first applyi an udergae (see pae 9 ) o a li qid waecay mixue called sip o he sface
sandlike material can be mixed into clay for additional textue
You ca creae vi sa texure by
Clay has ormulated fo hand b ldi
work buout materias ito c ay,
ofe includes grog hs is basicay
sch as rce an d coee rounds Whe
fied clay ta has bee rod ino
red, te hea destroys these a ddiives
sad e partices
so at the s ace of the nshe d orm
You can buy ro separately and
is pited
add i t o clay altou h ths isnt an easy pocess see Clay Peparaio and Storae ad Reclai o pae
13) os beiersad may
Soe vey sall pieces ca dy
experienced cera sssip y by clay
natrally, bt l are work eeds to dy
wt ro mixed ino it
a a slower pace so t does' t crack
Gro coes difere ses, or
Metals mineas and other ngredients affect the color of different clay bodies
warp, o sepa rate o conrol he d yi
meshes he coarser he mesh , he
ie, pace te work uder a thi sheet
oe textre or tooth the clay will
o plasic If des ed, you can cove
ave aer he o s added. Clays
oly the a reas hat yo suspec will d ry
conainn lae amots o coase
ase Pch holes he pastic i yo
o are rea or ceatn ies or la e
wat the c lay o dry a a aser rate
sclpta oms. O the oer had, i
Remove he plasic we n he work is
you're makin din erware choose cay
al os copleely dry
conainn er o, or no ro a al
Cerasts se speci al terms o
cosany oitori the piece t i i
describe he reaive amo o oi sre
reaches e desi ed sae o dryness
in clay Ay piece yo make wl o
Its iportat to be caios becase
oh for staes o dryness described
ovedoi i t wil case a pece to
here beoe yo p i i a kiln o be red
warp whe its in the kil Also dont
s the most
remoisen a bo e-dry clay form beca se
malleabl e state Fres o of te ba
itl s dssolve
mois clay is ideal for consrctin piced or coled fors becase s sot and pliabe Wet is ofe sed o
describe he ateal a ths sae
Ater yo ake a orm a d let t reach
aloh some ceraiss eserve the
he raile boe-dry sae yo place
er o prodc hat has a considerabe
i n a kln an d fire i o ake hard
amo nt o water in it sc as sl ip . Yo
his is the bique fing The piece hat yo ake ot of the il n i s called
ca se si p as a le to jo peces of clay see pae 9) or o srface
For hand building moit cay freh out of the bag i ready for haping.
bique ware Altoh some laes
decorao techniqes (see pae 90 ad
can be appied to reenware bisqe
9 o 96)
ri s sally needed to prepae emstenng ay
he c ay or lae appl ication This rst
is shape b can sti be ani plated
Ia in e at yo wat o ct a ho le
ri emoves ay remaii waer
I yo red o ake a lare piece wih
a leaer-hard clay box Its possibe
ad h arml asses tha mit rin
moist cay, cold coll apse d er ts own
to do so alhoh yo rn he r is o
he az e Aer yo apply te laze
weiht o so wth si clay However
damai te orm as yo oce yo
re he pece a second ime a a
is ore prone to cracki H andl e and
eedle too troh he ateial Its
hihe eperare his gaze fing
maniplate a siclay form wi care
ease i yo rs remoiten te clay
pera ety ses the laze to e
to make it softer Remosenin s also
srface o he bsq e pece .
is ston eno o ho d
cracks if yo try to
bend . Its the peferred sae for cay
ecessary wheeve yo ee d o on
sed o costrc rid forms sc as
two clay shapes hat are a dieret
boxes This tecniq e, call ed s slab
staes of drye ss Yo n eed to add a
consrco see pae 58) s possble
bi of moiste to the ha rder form so
becase eathe-ad cay pieces stil
that te clay pieces are a te sae
have eo h moistre o be joined
stae when joed
wont e any dre
Yo c a remoisen stif or leather
n ess i's red oms a this sae are
ad c ay by spii it with wae a d
kown as greenware Place an nfied
ten plac n der a thi plastic see.
clay om o yor ceek fo ve seconds
This is a enle process hat reqi res
I the clay fees cold there's stll ostre
a in e appl cation o water. he ast
in it. If te clay is at room tepeatre,
t n yo wat to do is we the wo
is bone dry Yo cant be nd shap e, or
dow a d wal away o i Instead
join pieces o bone-dy cay
evenly mst the clay evey 1 mnes
fter a clay piece i red for the irt tme it porou enough to accept a glaze
r•·� 'tl'1
l'I •••T' 4
tnar) COPH JU
TESTING S RIN KAGE Clay s a its eatest volue at he wet sae. As it dries the wate tat's i i evaporates and e sze o e pece decreases We he cay is fied, yor pece coacs even more Tis pocess is ow as shkage eret cays
akng a ay uler
shrk at differen raes, ad the ih er
Rol a sm all, /-inch (1 c) ic sab
te sh ape you cut from the oist
e fii temperare the more e cay
see pae 47) U se a need e ool to cut
clay, so yo ca se i o detei e
will shi . Soe cay bodies such as
i o 2 x 2 ices 51 x 305 cm) and
te s hri ae of the clay The simp e
earthenwae may on ly srnk 7 percent.
carve exac measremens o the
forua s n a 8-inc-squae (203
Oer clays, incldi n pocelain, shri k
cay, us n a rler as a uide et te
cm) pi ece as an exampl e follows.
as mch as 1 8 pecen
cay dry unil i's bone dry ad t en re
Yo ee d to know a cl ay's
i at he exac tepeaure tha yo p an
srnkae ae whe the finished piece
o fire he form yo're o i to ae
st be a specic sie Man actes
rom he same clay. Apply paia to te
sa lly provid e the shrin kae ates
srface (see pae 1 10) so that you can
or heir cays fied to a specic
read the mars. Fre he rle a second
epeate If you ixed ro or oher
ime, a ai to the sae te perature
additives into he cay sed o ake a
yo plan o se or the for
orm or yo plan o re a clay piece o
his n sed piece is smaller ta
Sutat th nt f th n ay u m h nth f na u
= m= m Dv th u y t nt t na u / = . m m= .
Mutpy th ut y :
Atach te clay ruler o a scap o
. =
a dfeen epeatue yo eed to
wood that's cu o he same sze usin
detei e the shi ae rate yorse
epoxy l ue Wie the type o clay and
his example, e clay's srin kae
Yo co nd c t is test wih a clay er
he ri temperaure o e wood
rate is 9 perce.
POROSITY AND VITRIFICATIO N When clay is red al moistre s reoved and he partcles are compressed This process trs he clay ito a cerami c edi u Clay that has one throuh a hi er firin is srone han t e rests of a ypical lowe-epe atre rst ri or bisqe ware A poros clay ca stll expad a d contrac, whch cod cau se he laze o crack and m ake t un sae or ood. If yo're m akin a decoraive or scu ped pece sch as te Bi rd Scl ptre on pae 75 yo don' have o woy about clay's porous atre Viticaio is the p ont at which he clay paticles have reached hei r ih es rae of compresso n his occrs duri n the final r he hard vired clay is den se an d i pervous o waer Water will eak through porou clay (right while clay red to vitrifcation will hold water (left difference in ize i clearly vible in thi bonedry clay piece (top and it fred twin
• CAY PREPARATON Ceass wedge clay o loose t up, make se ta is we mixed, a nd o remove ai b bbles at cold make a for explode when fired. xperenced ceraiss aso use wedi to introduce ro ad ote add itives o teir clay bodes e wedin ehod described he e is jst oe of sevea tha ceraiss use Sof, mois cay s e aser o wede ta n sti clay. If yor clay s stcky le it dry ou a bit Place 8 pouds .6 k) of clay o a onsi ck surace tats a h p leve Postion yor body wit one foot poined straih aead a d te ong a it hant been fred any clay can be crumbled moitened with water and then reued to make an entirely new form
other slihtly behnd, o ac as a brace. Fom he clay into a ba l. ress your body weih i no e ball wih one o
your pal s Wiho releasi t e clay,
Reclaimed cay as a i, pa sic
o le he clay dai n l is ost
crade an d l f te fot with e ote
consistency ta leds isef beautil y
Wede i (as descrbed a top iht)
han d Ps the front down io te
to pinched o coiled techiques. Clay
Sore yo clay where i can be
clay's cente. R epea is process.
shoul d be absolutely bone d ry before
kep as moist as possible away fo
t's eclaime d his process creates
exreme eat and drec si When
of the ai bbb les ave bee reoved
ds so ts a ood dea o wear a as
iy seaed i pasc bas the clay
To check for a r bubbe s c ro
o respiraor.
so ud keep suficietly moist for abo
te ce ne o te c lay ass wh a w re
sx monhs . It's a ood idea to on or
tool The exposed s aces sould be
peces and elimi nate any lps lace
he oisture conte ad spay he c ay
fla and com pleely smoo
te clay n a are bu cket and ll i wit
wi water as e eded
Fi rs break up e clay ito sall
wate nil he cay s sbmeed I'l
Clay li ke we o ceese i mproves
qicky absorb waer ad tur o mus
wi a eif its stoed properly
A thi s poin experenced ceram ists
Ceramists acally encorae mold
ay add o see pae 0). his ca
rowh o cay becase i ipoves
be tricy becase a unbalanced rato
he plasicty Soe cerami sts ix
of ro ca cause cracki ad oher
oraic ate or yo rt no th eir c ay
stcural probems
o prooe ts old owt In Japa
Onc e te waer appears o be
Yo're finised wedi when a l
cay is soeies du u p, p epared,
compleely absorbed, p lace te bcke
ad en b uried aai fo ue
psid e down over an od piece o abric
eeations o nearh ad en use
Wedge reclaimed clay and clay crap you plan to reue
Kw You can enjoy hand buldngand protect your healthto a greater degree if your studio s set up approprately and you have the right tools and equ pment Read on to learn more about setting up you r work space, the tems that you really need , and thn gs that you can add to a wsh lst.
• YOUR WORK A REA os comitis hav cramic studios wh yo can ak classs or rn sac and shar qi t and toos at a co al stud io. hs a grat ways o g acquai nd wit a stdio w l di scovring yo r crativ dirctio I yo dcid to s asd a rsonal sac o ad bui lding in yo hom considr covring a ga rag or fi ishd basmn o yo k clay ds t ad oh cotamna s away from r imary livig qarts A 1 2 x 1 foot 6 x 4 m) ara can accomodat a workab shvs a sab olr (s ag 20) ad a mdu s kil o avoid d st tat can wrak A HA O RA N
o bil d a ic ar your hands
havoc wh clay and glazs walls
a c u k of clay, a d a workabl xqs i war ca rg
ciing an d floo nd to b smooth and
wth l il o vhss avin g so ools an d a w
asy to w down T floo so uld b
ics of quit will robaby mak ay rocss or
asy to sw Aso loo for ac css to
saisying . Its also imorta to sabs good habits o
run ng watr and good lg tg Th
k your sd o sa
wotabl sol d b sturdy ough to wstand sig can wigh and movt
SAFETY PROCEDURES A clay sdo ca be a sae an d
Use a
ejoyable envionmen if yo ollow
bcke o collec residue ro gl azes
a ew recauions whe seig i
oxide coloant and oher haru
Read e se rocedures beore yo
ceical s O ce yo ave a coule
sar had bu ilding .
of cus of his resde e dry
You do wan
coleely Make a ceramc bowl
o inha e clay dus. Silica oe of clays
he reside i and fire i o cone
mai igediens can cause a ug
6 see age 1 7 o lean more abo
dsease called sl icosis For cleane air
yometc coes) Ae firi ng you ca
insal a roessioa veilaion syse
dsose of he bowl ad s coens
I his i s a oion choose a sudio
saely knowing ha e aerals wil l
sace wih w idows or doors a you
o leach ino he grod
ca oen o le fres air crcae Yo can avoid your doc ors office
I you work wih
ore a one ye of clay body clean
by develoin g ha bs ha kee down
you eqm en and ools aer you use
he dus in your sudio Clean your
hem Als o sore mois ed and whie
worksaion a he ed of eac sessio
cay searaely
Wie dow yor ables ad equim en
wi a clean d am songe Swee he
houg h os kil s have saey eares
floor wh a sweeing cooud
hey ca cause a fire or even a
exoso An oeaig man a is ardly
read he label on e acagig for
excng ead g bu do ae he ime
ay derglaze glaze luser o oher
o go hrogh i. Also neve eave he
maerial ha you lan o use I he
emses while he kln is firin g Eve
inormao s siy ask your ceai c
a new kin ca ancio. f youe
sl er fo deails.
aku or it fiing (see age 18 mae
sre all combutible (such as eaves or
o avoid rackig d s hrough yo
sawdus) are coeey exingshed
home desgae a ar of soes for
before eaving he eises
he sudio P ick a closed-oe syle o
oec yor oes ake hese soes
women shold c osu w hei
off as you exi yor sdio Also wear
docors beoe worig i a clay sdio
saey gl asses o roec yo eyes fro
if yore execig ha meas you oo
hea ad radiaion as yo oio e
Sevise childre durig a l ceraic
ogress o he firings whil e oo g o
a kis eehole
o no ea
di or soke n he sdio Always wash your hads horog ly oce yore ished working.
It a good idea to abel container epecially any that hod a medium containi ng hazard ou chemical
0 U D 0
YOR BASC TOO KIT You can t a a quic g anc i n any craic s upply caalog o r wbsi to con tha hr ar ay marias tools, a d p ics o quip for an d b i di g To hp you sort ou wat yo d, rs a ls o sppl s tha yol s to ca vy projct n ths boo hy ar' od a th bgi n g of ac proct bt yo d o hav thm o ha d
•A banding whl, whic s basica ly a lazy Ssa on a pdsal, is vy pora for scl ptral work. Yo plac your clay o and dvlop all sds of t fo by rni g th whl
• Buckts and sall contanrs wth lids can hod sli ps, glas, and othr atrals. Noncorosv bckts, plasic i parcular a idal
•Chaos cloths and sal natural or synthtic spongs work wl or smoothing an d soni g. Spogs a also good fo clanin g yor tools a d work spac p o han dy whn yo'r workig wih moist clay so ha yo c an wi p off ay xcss ha's
•A ta rulr, pncl, str stick and tap asur av a wd ag o u ss s th tap as r to chc th wid l gt ad dpth o curvd su racs
stcking o yo r hand s. 's to smoo a surac whn hr's clay o you r hand s bcaus clay tnds o sick to cay
T rlr ad pnci l wll hlp you cut sraig h dgs for tmplats s pag 11 9) ad s abs s pag 4) .
A fxbl straightdg givs yo a g id to olow whn cuttig a sraigh in alog a c rvd srac. Yo ca a o fro a o g strip of cad stoc or a a ila foldr
� Slp appato ae bles r bl bs a ld liqui d and ave a aered r alyg fi ne li es f sli, dergaze, and eve g laze Exerie n a es ile, able, aer n l ye cmfrable
;. I
sing a si alicar, ad always es e flw bee alyi g i a ece.
• Rubb glov f ay ye wil rec yur an ds. Aways wear em we wrking w dagers dry and liqu id ceicals
•Spay bottl ca e yu ee clay s s l a ble wi waer and
Plat t el yu ee clay mis
sri i n e w in rgess r e
ad crl e dryig ime f a clay
iece as dryig Inermiely sz
ece Te bags aced ve dry-clean ed
a andle r e aedage wi waer ens e i dres a e sae rae as e
es e iec e
•A w too is sed c a s ice r cun k f a bck (als kw as a brick) r la rge secin clay Y can make yr w wie l by ying a wd dwel r lage wase eac end f a 1-ic leng (0 cm) f 8-gage wire l d a dwel r wase in eac and and sim y l i ug e c ay
Wa boad are fla, ble w srfaces Is a gd idea ave
•A pato is esseial n any sd
several, n a variey f szes.
Fr yur gd eal, y us wea i
ma ke yur wn, see age
wen wig a nd any dry ceram c
2 Bas serve e sa e ci
cemcal, i clud ng clay dus, even i
as ware bards, and eyll ee a
yr sd as a ve lain sysem
bjec s w le yu wrk n i eye
yre a g bdge, a basic ds
sal e and ade m wd, aser,
ask will sufice If y nd yrself
asic Wrk a wae bard r ba wile
sending urs a a ie in e sd,
ceag a y f e rjecs in s bk
ves i yr eal Buy a resrar!
Cse ne as su able fr e size e iece a y're a g
ces wrk grea because ey're arge eug cver s scu lural w
0 U D 0
OTER ESSENTALS At e beg ni ng f eac rject, tere are ts additinal s yll e ed t clec ae e eared iece. Wie yu lean wic tec ques and s seak y, rcase te fllwing y as needed Yu ca n fe rvise wit cm seld
£Canvas cloths ae e ll fr sf slab
bjecs. F examle, an ld wrks
cstrucn Kee a least fur cavas
grea r scig a c ay surace
cls in yr studi s at y can dedicate n e se r use wi dark clay an d an e r ligt cay. Ts reves crsscnai nain f e clays.
£A tring tool is dagged alg te ed ge f a cay slab create a 45 agle Wen y ct sc a a gle n e adjace edges w searate slabs, tey ca be ined wi a atactive sea (see age 59) See age 4 t lean w t mae
£ Bal stylus tools are erec fr
yr wn miteg tl
dawig i e cay suace. Te ti makes a wider lie ta te i f a need e Cl lect several sies s
£Loop tools are great r trimm g
y ca creae a rage f lie tyes
caving away cay, as i e sg af
in y r clay
srface decrai ecique (see age 93). Wen yu b id yur cllectin, clude several wit ls f vaius sies
£ Nd tools are used t ct trg clay T stat, yu y eed e. is ecil-like i ee s grea r cting narrw ag es a d crved ln es Y ay n need ne i y ly wa t nc r cil rms see ages 6 an d 34
£ Mta ho akrs are availab le i difeent d ia eters. Tey ma ke e fectly
£ Rubbr-tppd toos al ave s
rud les i e clay r fuctinal as
exibl e tis Wit ese, y can ma ke
wel as decrativ e rses I a inc,
beauil ganic drawings r add
yu can make a le wit a needle l
srface deail ist cl ay
0 0
TScong toos ceae he hy
TA ollng pn akes pssible r y
surace eeded jin pieces clay
hand l a clay slab Fnd he lges
see p age 5 9 cve a arge a rea
ne pssi ble s ha y ca ake a
qu icy, p r he lng surface f a
wide sl ab Clay sic ks ar ble s is
seraed meal rb Whe scig sal l
bes se a wden rling p.
areas, a wi e brush r a kice rk will d he rick
Rbs ae sed shape a d sm clay wals eal ribs case gog (see page 0 rise he cays s race s eye bes sed cl ay a cans l e grg Wde rbs
T Paintbushs ae used apply
are s ad srng, pvide e ms
slp u derglaze and glaze. Clec an
esisance we aleri g he shape f
assrme ha incld es he hi es
a wall hey leave suble naura exe
li ne brus uch wder es F a
n he clay R ubbe r ribs cme i vais
smhe, mre eficien applcain
degrees f fle xbi iy S rbber rib s
chse s, aral b sles ha hld a
cr curved aeas. A igid rbber
l f iq d. se a spge r fam brsh
b has eg h sregh shape a wal
apply a wax resis (see page 109 .
whi e edering a sh surface
0 U D 0
•A sca easres g rediens r cerai c recipes Cse ne a easues n gas, pds, ad klgras
An lctrc xr or bndr cmes
andy mxig slips, wases, ad glaes If yu ge a pwer dill ixer aacen, selec n e as sae plasic caners
TA sab rolr a es fla sees f clay, cal led s abs, a specific , eve ckess Tese pieces are sed i n a ype sapin g cal ed slab csrcin u can m ake slabs by ad, bu a slab rller is
• Woodn odling tools alw y
easie ad faser, an d e esuls ae pressive Yu can see a slab
ree aeas ad aceve greae deail.
ller acin, and lean w i wrks, n page 48
eye elpl reacig i areas yu can' access w yr figers Mea deal ls als wrk wel
� A woodn paddl gey ales e sap e a rm wen yu ap i again s e suface Wi i, y can el mae bups i a wall, sqare up a edge, r elp use a seam. Cse a paddle w s, ruded edges a ca' guge e clay
0 0
From frot to back a white plater poro mold a orage biqe red mold ad a clear platic oporo mold
ockwie from far left a rectaglar hm p mod a pre mold with decorative rface a bowlhaped mp mold ad a a tiqe cookie mold ed a a prig mod with a moldig made from it
Yu can ma e te same sa pe ve an d ver aga , r ceate n ly e a specific sape wi a md Tis secti describes types lds as caegized by sape and e maeria tey're ade . Sme ceraic spply sres sel ds, and yu ca ake yur wn sig s ple seld sapes (see te Fted Bwl page 9 Ceram ss can eve create ei r wn mds by casg sapes wit paster. yu se a u se d bec, wac ut undercus ese are angles n a mld tat trap clay, akng i pssble fr e md elease c ay.
alw y sape a
are ligtweg,
fr by plac ig c ay ver te exeri
ps, ad ca be used as b slu p
(r cvex sde Sice te uside
ad p lds As te ame i pies,
yr cay fr is expsed wil e it's n
tey're jus clay tat as been ardened
te l d, y can add aacmens like
by ng e bisqe stage OOUS MOLDS are
andles r ee ESS MOLDS
are en used i le
te easi est type
t use Teyre usua lly made wd,
prdctin, r fr peces at are a r
plaser, r un glaed clay Y sm ply
tw-die s nal Yu press clay e
place clay te ml d Te ps
cncave srface Sprig ds are a ype
s race absrbs misre m e clay,
press mld
wc al ws it t set qu icer ta it
alw y t w
isde pieces wie eye n e d
wld n a nprus surface NONOOUS MOLDS
are made
because clay s placed e ne,
material suc as glass, mea r gazed
cncave srface M st su p ad m p
cay. We clay sticks tese sufaces,
md s ae sed t sape st slabs
firs cver te ld wi a see
(see page 6)
plasc preve te cay frm aderig
0 U D 0
sd idealy reside i s w rm searae qarers aen an i, ives in a venilain syse eve dangeus fues. GAS <>
ce i ay dere
ses ey're caable ring a ig eerares, u ce 1 3 These fel-buig kls ru everyig fm naural gas rae biuels U li e eir elecric cnear, gas kil ns ae ab le efrm a redution fin a cess ha redces e am u
:(< c > 0>� : Kiln range from prim itive to eectric
xyge in e kiln's ashere aec e cl r se cays a d gl azes . ue s large size ad e a n el reqi ed, he gas kin is bably me suiabe r he advaced ceramic ais wh wishes creae he secial eecs ha can be ach eved by gas firing . May cm y sudis er casses a gve he beginner sme
exeiece wih his rcess.
ls are essenial r cmeing e
a d ffers a cle an an d efficie firi ng
cerami c rcess hey're classed
slun S aes and sies vary S aller
hamber ( eir) a burs a eas a
accrdi g er ye f fuel elecrc,
esabu e size f a icrwave
crd f wd a sigle firing A firing
gas, wd; design , suc as ne f e
ae erec fr ri ng sm al ieces r
can ake 0 30 hurs and req ies
ay Jaaese-syle and-buil kils
gae ess. Ki ls are als availab e i n
cnsan irng. e anagama
r even by rcess, as f e qui ckfire
del s he size a refrige ar, eve
cave ki , is a exreely large ye
ehd caled ak
bgger Since larger ki s ake a wile
wd-eled ki l ha smeies akes
ll wih wrk, sa wih a sm all-
weeks re.
er a wide ri ng
woo l<>
yica ly css a large
range O ce rgramed, ey can
ed u sie n e ha way, yu can
racically fire eselvesbu never
exerimen and re yur wrk e
leave ne naended !
requey, a nd y l devel yr ski
p: If yo wa o y a
ad syle much mre quicy
i also cose pcasg
Begnn es sa ly sar wi an elecric k l, w hich i s used fire clay
Sice el ecric kil s ae rable,
se lves posts a st Its so
he bsqe sage and als fire glae
ey'e as a g rea sli r he
that yo ca ft oe pi eces
caigs mauriy A sae in ceram ic
me sdi Remeber ha clays ad
is e a potec te fo
sudis, an elecic ye is relavely
gaes em i eially xic gasses
gl ae pobes.
ecnica rchase ad eae,
whe rng, g , s yr kil
0 0
MAKIN G AND USI NG TE MPATES Several e rjecs i s k are ade wi fla clay sa es a are c frm slas All y eed make a emla e fr a rjec are sees f cadsc (r sme ai a flders a a k ie g e can ae ad access a cie r. Sme emlaes are si le saes a y can draw wi e dim ensis rvded n e rec insrucis wic cas e yu d eed a cier. Pcy e seleced e aes wc sar n age 1 9 Sll a e cie enlarge r redce a l e e sae a n creae fullsize s aes
You c an make tempate out of any tiff paper uch a manila folder
a wen c fr clay ad asseled creae a m e desired size a ke sre a e emlaes aen s large a e nised cay iece des fi i yr kil
lace e emlaes n a cay sla
and disrg e desired sae s e
as lage enug accmdae
aien Mae several inciss raer
e and en c em usi ng a
an cg a ll e way rg n e
e cardsck N w cu e
needl e l Te resse cing
ass. Sar e uside crne ad
cardsc e emae saes sig
creaes ressace eially srecig
c ward e cene
Cu e cies a d race
e ma nife. u ly need n e emae fr eac sae Te a els a d rjec sucis el y e nu e f cay saes y need c wi eac e lae yu wan e a le reuse e emlaes fis aly selac r sray ain ma e e waer resisa
e template to cut hape with a condent hand pread your finger to tabilze the tempate when cutting around it. If you mut move your hand to a new pot on a large templ ate dont lift your fngertip off the urface ntead walk your hand to the new poition by bringing your thumb into the ngertip and then hift the fnger without moving the thumb
0 U D 0
MAKING STUDIO TOOS Yu ca buy every im ra ha yu eed fr and bil dig Neveeless, yu ca save ey by easily ak ig s e yusel he lwng ag es exlai w ake a wae bard, ieing l, and shms fr a slab rller. hese will cm e i ha ndy wen yue cnsrucig he rjecs i h s bk T a ke yr w sa s and wi re cue see ages 68, 69, a d 1 esecively
Tis is a usef l i yu wa wk wih sif slabs make square recang lar frs sc as e Nesing Bx (see age 9 and emeic Vessel (see age 60. Wen y in sdes f slabs, yu wa heir edges mee a a 45 age . awing a ering alg an edge easi ly creaes his angle f yu have a saw, sale gun, liers, ad wie cers, y can ake a ieing l wh a 5-ch ( 1 cm le gh f 6-gaug e wie an d scra f wd has 5 x x / nches (1 7 x 6.4 x .9 c Remve a crner f he wd blck wih w 1-in ch ( 5 c cs ake sre he cs a re sraghad e redic lar he wd edges ha ey mee rm a 90° angle
Secure he wre he wd wh se saes. a ke sure ha yu cu f e excess we s ha here a ren ay exsed gh edges
Si s ae scras wd, c secc wds, sed sace slab l ers a fixed wd aa u can ceae yur wn se f shi s s ig a saw, dril l, a nd /-ch (1 cm d ril bi Sar by cllecig wd i eces i a variey f cesses (Wd shs e give away sall scras Cu he scras dwn widhs ragg r 4 inches (5 1 0. cm wide and 5 inches (1 7 c ng Wi e he hicness n each e, and dil a he i ne end. Srig e shims gehe a leg f wie r re.
0 0
rall Ware Bards
May maerias, sc as wood or lasic, are sed for ware oards, drywal is on e o e os oul ar suraces s easy o d a oe mroveme a d ardware sores and a sandad 4 x 8-foo 1 x 4 m) shee or secio, is nexens ve If yo only eed oe o wo ware oards, ask a sore emoyee aou damage d sees, wic are sod a a fracio of e cos of a l l see. Si ly cu of e damage d areas and salvage e es Cig drywall is very easy wi a mea rle r ad a knife You jus lace e rule r o e dywal l an d en draw e n ie alog e edge o e rer wo o ree imes o score e su face Yo do ave o ess ad Now ace e drywal Tip: Avo i y
o a a e wi e scored
y cti g away fom
ark a e a es edge
yo oy.
Ta w q ick orce along e scored ne o make
a clean reak og e l aser as insde e drywal Colee e reak y cig roug e aer coang on e u derside We a ll si des are c, cover e exosed edges w duc ae.
Most Efcient Way of Getting Wareboards from One Sheet of Drywal
Tip: C ywal fa away om
ay pac w yo wo o cl ay Cl ay wo at coami at wi pl a (o v p a t!) w l
(2.4 m) Key
( ) a wa oa {. ) wo ac o wa oa D ( ) qa wo o yg ac
poay plo g ig.
ecnqe: Pinching What coud be simpler than pushng and pull ing on a chunk of cay? Despte the hu mbl e nature of ths age old process caled pinching, you can make some amazng forms wth t Ceramsts often use the same method for pnchng a pot, as descrbed here, to create a sculptural form
Sa y li g a ha dfl clay i a al ad he n ser he u m y dmina n hand h afway i
{Se e cl ay aside
dry a i if is sicy ae he al whil e is cupped i yur her hand , a e sae ime p chig he cl ay eween yu fingers and um . wa enlage e cee penig whle h nin g e clay fr he walls Pinch g arn d he al pe in g sfs sme f he clay pward, as wel as hn s he sides creae a wal Thi he f he rm y pici ng u e desred widh ee e wal is all Sp hi n g whe e m and wals a re e sae i ckess u ca eshape e wal s i hey disr dri g s prcess. N w pinc he clay wal make e peni g wide r. A e sae ie, pich i upwad give e wall e heig h
The ype clay and amn grg i afecs e wall seng. u d wan i s hn ha clapses Make s e a he wal is sh a d a even widh A sa ll p des we wih a /-ich-ck c wall If a sp is hi , place a wad f clay n i whil e he enire rm is sill is Srke he edges f he pach wh yur g es r hum use i he wa Leave he im a l ile icke nil s f e m s ished . his prevens fr earing cracking I desired, sh e rm wih a miseed cha is clh
Proect: Tea Bowl eres a project that you can approach fearlessy because the fnshed form doesnt hae to be perfect. n fact, asymmetry s part of ths pieces charm. When t comes to the tradton of tea bowls, mperfectons are encouraged-and een cel ebrated n the trad tons of the Japanese culture
Inser yu int a range size bal l f clay Tis a t wil
yiel d a tea bwl ats 3 inces ( 6
al aow tea ow,
cm) all ad as a rim diameer
se a l-ege
4/ inces (1 1 c Begi rtaig
wooe oe g ool
ad pncig t sape te wall Firs
o sape a soo
cus pei g te wal y pic ing
e eo
e cay evely wit yr fin gers ad m Cnie pincig ui te wal is inc (1 .3 c t c and 2 ces (6.4 c a . Keep e t 1 ic (5 c tick
Glaze Prepration
Ded We
Tp I yo a e a
Tu e piece pside dwn. Pic ut e clay a the t f a ng hat
has a dia meter 2/ iches 57 c ) a e sre that its cetered Ts ri ng fs te ase, r t, f he ea w Make e ft as even as pssl e lace te wl n a flat s race t assess te tt f he If necessa ry, res ap e e s ta is flat ad rests eve ly n he ale Turn the w righ side p se yu fingeips and thu pich te clay wal i a u pwad tn srechg he clay ward the pal f yr ha d t create a wide, sha w wl Sp whe e wall s iches (6 cm tall
Sth e wals a d r wih yr ads ad a dampened camis clt
Hld the wl esure i sits cfray n yur hads lace he wl n a and ig wee l a d give it a 60 r t nspect e shape F e-ne the shape, f eeded Add surface decrai, glae, a nd re as desred Te s ed wl swn n page 27 was caed wit a lw-re, paque whte glae.
vintage ceramic decal (an image made from chin a paint t hat tranferred onto a glaze red urface and fi red agai n i an eay way to add delicate detai to a piece
Proect: Wafer Vase This simple vessel allows you to become fluent with pn ch ng by shapng wafers that are su bsequently layered to make a form Youll also be fnessing your fusing technique Use a slow, methodica approach so that you can carefully study the pece as you deveop ts shape to the final form
e Neee l
ke eple for bse fro cdsock The fi nis e vse ws bil
o 6 x 3-inch (1 5 x 8.9 cm ovl
Makig n Usg Tempates
Underglze Appico
Pin c wd of cly bo e sze of che rry beween you idex ger d hum b wile rog i wh your
oher hn d. Co i e uni l you hve we- shped piece h 's / ch 1 cm) hic w h e e dge per ed o / i ch (6 m ) ic Me eno g wers o fi he bse Aso me soe for he wl l. Pce l o e wfers on we bord ude r hin plsic shee. S piz hem wi wer o eep hem mois, if needed. You c me oe wfers s you piece develops
Remove he plsic d pce severl wes on
wre bord so h e edges slig hly ovelp d rdie ou. Conue he overpped wfers e sli ghly rger h he bse. Wle he c y s sill ois fse smoo) he overpped edges o e pi eces ogehe wh your ngerips M e i s slb eve widh.
Smooh h e sl b's srfce wi he so rubber rib
Reese lif) he sl b ro he we bord wihou disong he spe nd en replce i lce he emple on op o e sb. Sedy wi your hn d. ove he ip o he ee de ool hogh e cly followig e edge o e emple nil he bse s c fo e slb
Plce row o wes ro nd h e er meer o he bse overli g e edges s yo osiio
hem . Fro he inerio smooh he edges ogehe s you lce ech wfer Coni ue ddi ng ows of wfers i e sme mnner Alwys over he wfers' edges e se mou o cee eve er Mke sue he edges e overled r enog o mke wll h's hick eog o reven he orm from cosi ng . So when he wl is he desired heig
Slid e e so rubber ri b ove e inerio o he vse o sm ooh he
lrge res o his whi e ressing yor oher h d on he oside o he wl o mch e osiion o he rib o e i nerior. Pc hin res o e wll Pinc ou es e oo ick Idel ly he w shold be / o / n ch hic (6 m m o 1 cm ) he nis ed i ece show on ge 29 ws i ed wi h mu ile col ors of derglze see ge 91 while e greenwre sge. O ce he iece ws bise fired in see ge 10 ws lied sig mell ic blc low-re ge
A patina emphaize the overlapping edge of the wafer
Thomas Keigan D Sun I
X i es ( . Pied nd slb-bilt erthenwre sis glzes e letri red Phoo b o Gham
Janis Mas Wundeich oai o a uppy,
i es ( 3 . m rthewre; slips ud erglze glze multi-fired i eletri kil Photo thoy hotogaph
Alice Ballad Mnoi od
9 8 ihes .9 3 3 d-u i I white ertenwre terr sigi llt eletri fred Phoo b as
Penney Bidwell Moh Daugh,
HongLing Wee
Dam Son
Eh 8 x x inh (. x . x . m) i d low-fir ly; li i mu li-fird Photo
byoh oath
E X x x in (4 x . x . m) Pid orlin o lord li lr lz lri frd Phoo
Jl Alen Viraeee,
x x in (1 8 x x m) i d d lb il rwr; lowfr l lri frd wir ddd Pht
, 005
by ast
Technique: Forming Cols Ropelke strips of clay, called cols, can be wrapped to create fa t or d m ensio nal forms, or used to renforce part of a clay pece Left exposed on a form, cols create an organc, textured surace that expresses the prmtve beauty of the hand but form Use larger cols for the th cker wal s that bg forms need. For an average form, am for a 3/nch dameter (1 cm) col
A andpreed coil can forever old te mark yor fnger leave on it even after te coil i rolled into a ape
• AND PRESSING A COI is mehod involves sqeeig te cly into log, pered spe I hnd bild g is ew o you yo'l l pobbly fid tis esie tn rol ng coil see pge 3 Str with h dfl of cly
he spi g Squee ze ou d pll he
Seee it in your d uil it's rog
c y wth your oher h d
Now ote your hd so
hds up n d dow he entire legth in
th you'e hoding the cly verticlly
orde o keep the g rowig c oi n even
I tis posiio g rviy wil help wth
widt h oghou
Side you
0 M G
C 0 L
• ROLLING A COIL Tis echu e sl ly reuires l e pcice bu once p erfeced you l be ble o do wih yo eyes closed. on se s mehod sip ly becuse
A handroled coi, hown here after it wrapped to make a bae for a form i moother and more even than one that hand preed
s ese Coose i becse e smooh col is os suble for he form yore ing Seee h ndl o cly io
s bes o se he p s o yor
hick cyli de Pce e cy der o
nds becse hey hve bi o re
we bord, nd posion he pl m o
pdding whic lows yo o exer
you nd o op of he ceer of e
eve press e for smooher coi l . Yo
w o press rd eogh o oce he
Sr roli g wih yor nd
in e c ee; s he co l grows loge
cylid er ino log er spe whou
use boh hd s. S hf he ouwrd
evig fig erprins n he cly.
long he coil s engh s yo rol bc
f e coil does become ueven
d forh o srech d in he cly
pply more pressre o e icke re
ino co.
s you ol i. If he col becomes p
on use yor nuckles
hey mke he coi u even.
no roder shp e
• WORKNG WIT COS Is os i ely h youl l need oe hn oe coi o m ke for. his cse you need o per he ed s o ech coil so h hey cn be overlpped when ew leng s dded durng he d bui ldi g Wen overppg ends o sr ew coil , per e col en ds o ch log 13 c ) Cols do ve o be he se lengh. I fc s bes o se vrey of e nghs o e fo becse he plce whee new cois e dded s hold be djcen o oe nohe r or in e p vericy. f you mke bc of cois keep em os ude r hin plsic shee, o we bord, youe redy o se ech oe Is os mp or h e coils re ois whe eyre ppl ied o n ee ging or so h eyre wel fsed o one oher no he orm will l pr s dries
f a coil become too ong to handle cut it (or pinch and pul it apart to create two ength that you can eaily manage
Project: Espresso Cup Set Ths set s a great way to develop a sense of proporton between the cup and ts handle and to practce creatng dentca forms You don t see the co s that were used to buld each pece because the sdes and ends of each coil were bl ended
• Tls
Ro-ege woo oe ig tool eele tool scorig oo
M ke bch o coils ech o e wh di me er o / i ch (6 ) Tper boh ends o ech coil nd eep l o e
mois nder h plsic shee o wre bord nl yo'e redy o use em R oll 9-inch-long 2 29 cm) col ino spi h hs di eer o 2 i ches ( c) . This s he se o he rs cup .
Tp: e ai g several
o ietica os, easre te aeter of e irst ase a ae al te res e sae se
Roig Co
org with Cols
0 J C
Stroe he sce o the sl wth your hb i nge ri s St r i e ce n er wor ou Yo sh ou ' t be
ble o see he sere coils when i she bl enig the srce Relese he bse rom the we bor withot isortig the she, n rn it ove I the se m ne r use n smooh the ote sie o the si I yo inveety istorte te s wek e she
lce one e o co he oe ege o o o the bse, n s ooth te ere en o he bse. Press te res
o he coil genly roun he er meter o te bse Conti ne he coil o to o he st lyer A m ore colsone time oveli g n sng he ere es Oce cole o l yers re n lce sooth he isi e wll u sing yor inex i ger, whil e bcig e jce exterior with yo oer hn
Conue ig coils sig the ul he veic wll is 3 i nches (6 c l l. Sroke he
nsie n outsie o the wl wih ronege wooe oeig too se vericl soes n genle ressre to se he coils n ke soot srce
R0 C
E R 0
Sooh the pper ege or l ip o the cup with your moist ges. Te lip mus be soot so tht it wil be coobe
gi nst yor lips I your cly coins grog b e crel ot to overwork he srce becse s wll ke te li p roughe r. Se this cup sie er hi p sc seet sprizin g i wit wte (i ecessry to keep it oist ke the remi ing cup s
ke coi l / x 4 iches (6 m m x 1 0 2 cm . per one e n e sll spir he ohe en
o the coi Mese 1 inces (3.8 cm rom the sprl u se te neele ool o cut o e en t 45 ge . Shpe he coil no n S crve. his is the e
Le he secio s ry to the si sge S core oe o the cps n he hnl e where they'l
be tche se the slip t ili g ppl ctor to pply slip o l o he score suces Press te h e o he cp Wpe o y excess sli p n smoo the plce whee e hnl e meets he cup Coplete he remnig cups. he she pieces sown i the ph oo o pge 36 hve crey sei ope gze t higl ighs te sbtle texurl et il Te nis ng ouches re ow-i e isec-moi ecls (imge s me o cin pits tserre oo re gle surce e g n
The del icate s pir al han dle s ackno wledge the origin of these little foms.
Project: Coied Botte Ths bottle s fun to buld because you gadually add cols Centerng each new col on top o the previous one wl create a straght wall, but shftng the new coil n or out changes the drection that the wal s growng. To nsh the pece these cols are roughly bended to create a crude yet eegant exterior • Tls
Scog ool a-e a o-ege woo moel g oo soft bbe ib metal serate i b
Roll ot btc o cois ech oe wth di eer o ich ( cm Te r boh eds o every coil , n d
ee l o e ois ude in sc seet ntil yore edy o se he ke ot one co d w i od isel to ke sir Continue dding coils uil the si s dimeer is 4 nches (10 2 cm hs cicle is he bse Stroke he sce wi yor tu mb nd nge ris, strig in the cee d wokg o Li he bse o the wre bord wiout disorig te she, d tn it over n he s e e r, se d smoo the emin g side o the sil.
Workig wt Cois
Ron a Col
R 0 C
C 0
ress ad fse a coil on op o he bases peree. Coninu e addn coilsoe a a ieo op of he
s, ovelappi he apered e ds he pace w here ew coils a re added sh oldn li e up verically Ths way you avod cean weak spos ayeri coi s verically in his maner fors he wal o he bole Add eouh cols o make he wall 3 iches 6 c) i h.
Fse oeher he coils o he isi de o he wal by sroki in a downward oio wih yo r ind ex e r Youre ap ply
in pressure o he wal , so brace he oside a he same posio wi yo oer had. Conue addn ad fusi coils ul he wall s 8 iches (20.3 c) all , wich is hi h enouh for you o sar shapi he sho lde r (e op, b elow he eck
lace he ex coil on op of he prevous one, b shi i i oward he ceer o arrow he
wal for e sa of he shou der Conu e addi cols ha sh if iward As he open i narrows, se e coils more reey, whle yo sll have access o he inerior o he p iece. When he opein has a 2 inch 64 cm) di ameer, le he piece dry un il his secion s a he s sae
Tp: Us a cyl at as
6 ics (152 cm) l og to ma botls c Slc a appop at iam t at yo comp t th boy i stp 4 cas th opi g s 't acl y 2% chs (6.4 cm) acoss.
0 C
C 0
Wid co ls ino a cylider as nches (1 0.2 c a ad as a damee o 2 inches
(6 c Fuse e nsid e wih he ond-eded woode od ei oo. e he neck d ry o he si sae Score he boo of he neck and he op of e bole whee you' l be aachin e m
Apply s ip o bo scoed suraces wih a slip app licao, ad press
e neck o he bole. Remove he excess slip , and use e ins ide wi he wooden odel n ool Use your nes o fse ad sm ooh he exeror seam where he ec jois he apered bole openi, while bracin he ierio wih e finers o your opposie had
To acceae h e exure and reinforce he adesio o e coils,
u yor fi ners vecaly ove he exeior surace F ire ad finish your boe as desire d
When electng a glaze, conde one that hghght the textue o the col ed wall uch a th green emopaque gaze.
0 L
enny Mendes ird
8 x 4 x 4 ih 4. x x ) Coil d, in d rr o; rr ii ll l z; lri rd Pt TmM
Debra Fitts hr Womn rain
34 x 4 x 4 i (8.4 x x 1 ) Hd-il rr o lyri lip oxid udr lz lz; lri ir d li-frd PtDd Gua
Edwads Harpe Heav Handed
x x i (4 x 4 x 8 ) r oldd oild rd rr od obj; lri ird Pt St M
Cao Gentithes
Juan Ganados
Nos Be, 206
Spig 0
x 1 x ins (3. x 3. x .8 ) Hd-i lt rli i x; i ls, slbs, stis d silksr t lsis ltri frd ulti-fir d
x 3X x ihs 3 x 93 x 8 m) Slb ndi lt rhwr gl ltri frd
t y mAye
t y
Las Westby
Ul, 05 4 x 1 8 x 8 i n h s ( x 4 x 4 ) nd- ilt, ild d rssd rtwr gl zd lri frd Pt yast
C 0 E G A R
James isdae onk S (Kinti)
Lisa Cague
In te N ature o ings,
x x i ( x x ) Coi I-b i I rnwr lri frd o ; li-frd lz d ud rlz foud o t yC Zaeky
1 Y x OY x 8 in ( x x ) Coil-ui l rod uf; lri frd 1 °F (9C) li lz 1° F (°C) ht yHwe
x 8 x i (1 9 x 9 x ) Coi lui l; l l i wx o t m
Wesley L Smith Arahnoid,
8 x x i (. x . x m) Sl- n oi l-i l wi owr; lri fir on 4 lz lur ml i m hir h ya
Athu Gonzalez h Horizon is Siing sid You
x x i ( x 9 x m) Coil -bil rmi or ir ro rl o ri' foo wi lz oxy ol lf h yJh n Whe
Holy Wale
Ul 9 x 9 x 9 in (.9 x . x . m) Pi rhwr oil i l fr o 4 h y Tm M
an Wech n, 7
8 x 9 x i x 9 x . m) Li Cl wi rhnwr l oil i i fir wir Mo i or w rwl lz lri fir; nui wx; l in nil h yee Mann
ecnqe: Making Slabs Clay is remarkable: sturdy after fr ng yet flexbl e eno ugh to be draped lke fabrc when wet You can take advantage of these characterstcs by bui d ng strong functona or decoratve forms from fexbe sheets of cay called soft slabs To make the most ecent use of your t me and energy, use at east a thrd of a brck of cay to make a slab Ths secton descrbes two basc methods for creatng a slab: tossing (also ca lled throwng ) and rolng
TOSSING ossin s he smples, os low-ech ehod o for a sab All you eed ae sron as and a fla, osick wok suace suc as a drywal ware board (explaed o pae 25 ossed slabs ae bes sied o e ki d of orai c fors yo e from um p and sl p olds becase he clay paicles are repeaedly curved dui he oss Oanic fos are ore forivn of slih shifs in shape d i dryin a d firn oher words, don oss a slab i yore pla n o buid a a-plane for sch as a ile or box Sar wh a s ice as no o re han a hd of a brick C a 8pond (3.6 k slice o clay from a bick wih your wire-cu oo old he ch k in bo a ds an d exed your ars ni l hey'e sra ou a sho der level over a n osck wok srace ( ake su e a his su rface
Tip: A ti rd o a 25-pond
(1 1 . g) brick of cay yieds a 14 x 22 c (56 x 559 cm ) sa tat's 3/ inc (1 cm ) ic chu nk of clay can be tossed reeatedy to form a slab as thick or as thin as you like
s lar e han h e size a yo wa o
ake he slab ) hrow he clay dow
s ehod s ideal whe you wa o ae a slab ha's a p ecise widh (b
oo he surace wih a semi ccul a
o enh), wih an eve hickess hohou . Usi a slab rolle s he os
sweep o yor am s so ha his he
efice n way o ol cl ay b s he ony ehod f you do ave a slab rol er
wok surace wih eno foce o
yo ca hand rol Bo ehods ae descibed here
sech and i soewha. You ca conrol he sab's enh a d widh by ri he piec e as you repea e ossi oon f you nee d a slab ha has specific di esions and an even hickess hrouho, eep i nd ha e edes of a ossed sab ca be hi n er. You m i wan o make e slab larer ha eired ad e c o e needed m easrees. Ofe yo' need a slab ha has a specic hcess Som e ceramiss check e widh of a ossed slab wih a eedl e oo Si mpy ise r e ool no e clay place a mbna on he oo where i ees he clay srface and he pu o he oo wih he
he with of a ha-ole slab ca't excee the legth of the olig p i.
hub sll in posiio H old e eedl e ool aais a e o check he dsace rom he ip o your hubail.
and llng
Al you need or had rol li are wo
o es on he Ru he roi pn
lah srps (o arrow peces of wood
across he op o he cay Co u e o
ha are he exac sae h ckess) ad
do his so ha he clay ins a bi more
a roll in p in dowel od or piece of PVC
wih eac pass. Every ew passes
pipe e widh of he sips deeine s
release he clay from he work s urface
he hicness o he fial sab
by picki i up wi you han ds and
Place a slice of clay o h e ware
en reurnin i o he su ace Once
board or oher n onsic work s urface
you ca ove he rol e across he
osion a ah o n each side o he cay.
lahs wiho meen ay ressace
The las eed o be fa enouh ap ar o
fo e clay e slab is e desied
ive he clay room o spread b close
eno oeher o he rolli pi ends
sng a Slab er
Soe sl ab ol ers cant be se to create a sl ab tha's a precise th ckness Yo solve ths probe usin a shm, which has a si mil ar uncon o the wood stips (or lahs employed or hand rolli n (see
Cener a slice of clay, very nea he rol er bars, on ta canvas see
Dap e a secon d shee o canvas over he cay wit the lead in ede close o the rollers.
pae 2 or insrc ions to make a se of shis The sh i sets the roller bars e proper distance a pa o a e he
Remove he op ayer o canvas.
slab the des ied thckness Lets say
Refer o he next section to learn ow
yo wan o ae a slab hats / inch
o shft e clay onto a ware boar d .
(1 cm hic. lace a shi m of ths width between he roller bars and t hen raise
or ower te roll es unil the s hi ts snuly beween the
Se ec a wae board a's arer an t he
sab and place it next o the slab. G rasp
Run o ne pie ce o canvas hro
the l eadin ede of the canvas a nd
e ole r bars uni a lite o i shows on
on it to p l the slab onto the ware board
e opposite side
Keep the slab as flat as possbe while transern onto he ware board This is im poran becase cay has memory If yo cve it du rn the ove it may rever
urn th e roers roay hande cocwse at the sae e pushn he cay un te roller bars rab i
bac to the crved shape durin e dryn or firin process
Continue crankin te handle un te cay slab has ee red fro he other sde Expect te widh to increase only by a couple of inces (abo t 5 cm.
se a lare rib o smooh the clays surace
Lay anoe ware board
tas he same size as te rs one on top of the sab old bo ware boards toeher, and flp hem over. Remove te top ware board a nd ca nvas o reveal a perecly at slab
Project: Footed Bowl It wont take long for you to develop a fee for shaping an attractve, wellbaanced bowl In the meantme, count on the smple process explaned here to create a thing of beauty The secret to success s usng a bowl you already own-or a slu mp mold -to shape your soft clay slab
Loo o a ice bowl wi an aeal in sae if you don ave an aoiae sl old .
Te bowl does ave o ave a smoo i nerior b kee in mi nd a ay exure will rase oo e cay Avoid sin a bow wi a ronouced li Pace e bowl (or e sl od o a wae board your cosen bow is lass, meal laed clay or oe nonorous aeial, cover i wi a asc see. Pace a ae mease fla nside e orm M easue e le and wid fro ede o ede.
_ Tls
S ruber r b cmpass eedl e tl, meta serated b canvas clt
Remosteg Cly
ovg a Sab
R 0 C
F0 0 E D
Roll a s ab / nch (1 cm) thick tas wder and one r ha te bowl eas reent . Te sab eed s to be esi o a canvas shee. se
he needl e oo o cu he slab to e shape of the mold, si the sep measureme pus nches (1 02 c or a overhan Cadle he cavas ad s lab wi yo r foears ay te slab cavas side p over te cente of he old so at drapes io the nerior ull off he canvas Si de te soft rbber rb a on th e exposed clay srface o press i aai nst the mold , sooth o ay wrin kles ad hen rern he slab o an eve hicness
� Tip: A 3/c th ck (1 cm )
sa b is g ood fo a ow a has a 8-ich diamee 0 cm) ad is 5 ches 7 cm) deep
atch ay parts o he s ab tha m ay have hined (see pae 26 Rest e needle tool
on he ri of the old at a 90° anle old e clay aainst he s ide of the mold, and slde he eedle tool ward unil i pierces hroh the clay Gld e the eedle tool around he peimeter o e bowl, alo te ri tl a te excess clay has bee trmme d off Save e sca p pieces o clay und e a thi plastic sheet for use i n step 5
Le he sab dry in te mol d t il is leather hard . ace a ware board on op
o e mod Hod the ware board a d e mold oether and fli p hem pside dow. he clay orm wil release oo the ware boad so tha you ca emove he mo d Se e copass o alf he desired da meter o he bowls oot Ce ner he co pass o the botom o he bowl an d l htly sketch a crcle Measre he crcles circmferece wi the measrin ape
0 J C
00 D
Com ne he os clay scraps i to a /-ich-hick ( 1 c) sla tha ca e c t to a widh propotonae to the owl's
sie ad he sam e le gth as he ci rcle's circu ferece he widh of he strp (which wil create the heigh of the foot) needs to ala ce the sie ad shap e of he owl xp erime wih he d ensi os lace he stip o he oto o the owl shapi g t to the scoed cice. aiai nig this sha pe place the srip o the ware o ad You may ee d o join mo re ha one sr ip to compl ee he c rcerence of the scoed crce
Score oe legthwse edge o the oot and on the drawn circle on the oto o he ow using he
etal serrated ri R a lne o slip along he scored clay wih a slip a ppl icaor a d press the p ieces ogether. Wpe of ay excess sip . Rol two hi coil s Apply oe to the i sde seam, where the foot eets the oto of the owl ad aother to the ouside seam . Bed he coils to reiforce the sea.
Tr the owl ri ght side p The im i s a i trinsic par o the unction o a ow. It shod e sooth ad nviig, no
coarse or shapedged. Sl de a damp chamos coh aoud the r i o efine the edge Pace the owl o he ading whee or lazy Susa an d give i a 360° tr to assess the owl's alance a d compostion Make ay adjustets, remoisteing he piece if eeded ecorate and e he piece as desired The finish ed owl shown o p age 9 was painted wh a generous appl icaio of whie sp whle leather hard. he r and oo wee decorated an d o ce isqu ed he owl was coated with a golde aspaet gae and the efired
The ri m was loose y br ush ed wth back underglae prior to glaing
Poect: Wall Pocket A hump mod can hep you form a clay slab to a specfc shape. hs process is much smpler than you mght expect because a softclay slab s so fexbe he only chalenge s dealing wth areas where portons of the sab oerap The soluton s presented n the steps for ths project l
Needle oo scorg ool rigd rbber rib odedged wood modeg ool hole make meta seraed b
Measure h e widh o
Tp: You also
he ump mold om
eed a oval slum p
edge o edge and calc lae
mod or suiabe
hal ha lengh Add 2
aeative) o make
inches ( c) o oh he
s bow
widh ad legh Roll ou a -inch-ick (6 ) sla ha's wice is sie se e needl e ool o c he sla i n half Oe half s o e fo (or face) of he pocke and he re an g pece s or he ack or he ie e ng se asde e ack piec e S pr wih waer i f necessary a d cover i wh a hin pasc shee o keep i mos ui you re ready o work o .
he woode old used for the sh ed wall pocket show hee easures 9 x 21 x 2 ches (229 x 533 x 51 c)
ovig Slb
S Applqu
0 C A L
levae he o ld w cddles (wo soup a s ae si ale) o
give yo aess o e ude rside rape e lay shape o e poke's ae over he mold Use your hads o p s e lay fla agais he sdes of he od . Make a leghwse u wih he eedle ool a oupe o ines rom he end of e mold o e e nd o he ay
od one e d of e side o he ay over e ohe r Pess he edg es of he
ovelapped ay flsh agais e mold. Cu rou g o h layers o e l ay a he oo of e o d G enly reah ude e u edges ad pll ou he exra laye o ay ha's loses o e o d on o sides o e edge
Rough up oh sides o he edge wh a sorg oo . se he sl ip ap pliaor o appy sip o oe edg e. Press
he edges ogeer and e wpe o e exess sl p. Pess a /india eer (9 5 m ) oi o h e ousde o he sea and en sroe i o smooh ad led (se) i i o e srae
R 0 C
A 0C
Ct of te excess cay around e edges of te mold Measu re
ro e otto of te for u p o e desired posiio for te wall pocket's ri M ae wo arks wi a eed e oo, ao 2 inces c) apart or e i Align oe log side o a flexile sraigtedge wit e arks ad across e om. Use s edge as your guide to cu e ri wit e needle oo.
. Tip: f desied apply samp appiqu see page 1) o
ohe decoatio o your wal I pocke ow The m od hold s the fom fr mly ad eeps i om gettig disoted.
Reove te pl astc see o e eai ng sla ad place i nex o te
cay sape ats sill on e m od Le o secios dry to te le ater-ard stage, a d te reove te clay ace om e old Cener e face on te flat sla U sing a eedle too ace te faces peri eer wereve clay mees cay. Pace a sraigtedge a te r m, a d daw acoss te fla sla rom edge to e dge
0 C
if of e fae ad u hrog h e sla b alo g he drawn lie s Se aside he exess slab der a hi plasi shee.
Keep he bak o h e wae board so a says a. Soe e bak and he ae where he sapes will ee Add slip o he sored aea on he boo, and press he wo shapes ogeher. Renore hs seam o boh he insd e ad oside wh a ol bendig he ouside oil wih a igid rubbe rb and si g he roudedged wooden ool o sooh he oil plaed a ong he insid e of he seam .
T You ca atach a mois clay col to a sf
or leather-ad p ece despie he difee sages o dryess as og as he area to e rei oced s smal ad te co is tooughly fused to te orm
One he sea i s sed and sog, areflly li he pee rom he ware boad lae faedow on a sof surae so ha you a aess
he bak who disoring he orm. se a ho le aker or needle ool o u a /inhdamee (95 ) ol e i he eer of e bak, / ines (3.8 ) fo e op his o e aommodaes a srew or hag g h e is hed pee. Plae he pee aeup o e ware boad o e lp he bak dry fla.
C o a reangle of lay o e deph of he fae's ope ing a he eer. e his bridge dry o he le aherhad sag e. aper o e of he
long edges. Tis brdge sp pors he ae whi le i dries Ma e sre he ay brdge s a he same level o dryness mu s dy a he same rae as he wal poke so ey wi shr ik ogeher. Rem ove he bridge one e piee s boe dry Cosider how you' re going o use he wall poke If i will be used o hold a flowe aragemen he ineror shold be glaed so i a ho d waer
tamp applqu can add beatful dento n to the m wthout dtactn attenton from the overal fom hooe a den that approprate for the e of the form
Fan Wech do D am,
1 x x i (8. x 1 . x 89 ) Sl in , il wi rhwr Clgu ' Cly ulprl y i g- wir nil l fu u rg lz Mn in l ri fir; i il -fr Pot yStee Mann
Sandi Peantoi Sue Tirre sian idr
x 1x i (. x . x 4 ) Sl-u i I rhwr; lri fir, 4 lip rr ig il l glz rg lz lr oto t
x x i ( x .8 x . m) Slb-i l rli i glz lri fr oto t
Liz Zlot Summeeld am and Sugar St 007
3 x x i e ( x x .4 ) Hd-i It erewre te rr i i I lt lze der lze lter e letri fred oto yatt
Sandi Pieantozzi anist St, 006
Lrt x x 4 i ( . x . x . ) Sl-bilt rli ; ti lz; lr i fird oto yatt
Aaon Cavet Ray Ston 00
4 x x inhe ( . x . x . ) Sl-ontruted ertenwre lze eel ; ele tri fred oto yatt
Tecque: Slab Building Sla constructon is al aout jon ng the shapes to make oxes and other rigd, predomnantly geometrc, orms A common way of workng wth so slas is drapng the m over a form unt the clay is frm. The constructon of stff sla forms, on the other hand, egn s with flat shapes that are cut from clay, dred slghty, and then assemled lke peces of wood
C ou shapes ro he sabs usig te plates ad a eede tool
a Careully pull away ay scap pieces of
the sab Ony e sapes remai o he wae board Sadwch th e sha pes bewee two d rywall ware boads unil the clay reaces he stif stage he wae boards preve he shapes fo warpi g w hle hey dy
dges a wil b e joined o ake a 9Q° angle s eed o be c a a 5 angl e Tis is easy wi a m iering ool Jus sar e ool a one end of an edge and d rag i alog e leg of e edge.
wire wl cu a perec agl e Save e rema ns fro e m iered edgesw e agl es and e ngs inacd er a i plasic see o keep em a eir c rre sage of dryess. Yo will se em laer o reinforce e seams
Si ad eaer-ard clay pieces can be used ogeer w your g ers ad b as you do wi o s clay I sead yo seam e pieces by scori g e clay
applyng a s lip o esseially glue e pie ces ogeer I you ave rouble scor ng ao g e edge of a sape side i o e e dge o e ware boad for beer accessibi y. Any sapes o beig u sed soul d be sored nde r a i pasic see o eai e oisure cone
Apply slip o e scored surfaces w a pa inbrus or sl ip app lcao.
To aac wo prepa red sa pes bri ng e boom edge of a wal l owad e oms base sape a a 45 an gle s a good dea o e e base res on a ban di g weel o ay Susa du ring assem bly is les yo r e wor wiou ocig e for mo e a ecessary (Ha ndl ig s apes as lile as possibl e ens res ey say sraig ) Now raise e wal o is final verica posiio. A ll verica secios sould be joed o e base i is way oci ng firs e base ad e a adoi ng wa on wipe of e excess slip i nsde e joined co rer.
Beore addi ng e as wa reiforce eac joi ed edge or seam wi e ieed scraps yo se asde earl er Press e scrap o e erior of e corner Te 90° agl e o e eed scrap fis perecly io e seam Sroe e aaced scrap w your figerp or e bber ib ool o smoo e seam
Poect: G eom etric Vessel Sti slab constructon s simar to working wth flexble peces of wood. Both are rgd, but the clay can stll be manpulated, f needed . You ' l begn to und erstand th s characteristic of stff slabs when you handle and jon the shapes for ths vessel At the same tme ths proect shows you how to construct an elegant form
Metal u ler eede too mieig tool wood-adl e scorg ool rgd rubber rb, padde
g Slbs
oing Sb
Geomeric Vessel temes
Make he Wl ad Base emplaes from card sock
0 C
G 0 M C
Ro a sl ab / nch ( 6 ) hick ha easues 28 x 1 8 inches ( 1.1 x 5. cm). Posiio on a
ware boad C o fo Walls and a Base from e ois sab using he eedle ool Sandwich he sapes beween wo ware boad s an d le hem d ry o a sif sage ry no o bed he sapes i you ha ndl e e
ier all fo sides o e Base as wel as he sid es and boo edges
Tp: Hadle ese
of he Wall s a 5° angle s. eave he
sti sa sapes as
op edges of he Wall s sq are Save he
tle as possible to
reans rom he ieed edges fo
esure at tey stay
se i a laer sep S core he ered
ang les wih a scorg ool.
lace he Base on a smal ware board ad en pl ace boh o a bad ng wheel o azy Susa i availabl e se he slip app icaor o apply a small
aoun o s p o he scored edges o he Base U sg oo much sl ip could creae excessive o isure and weake he srucre of he p ece Apply sip o he scored edges of oe o e Wals ol dn g his Wall a a 5° angle bin g is boo edge oward he Base o mee one of s miered edges
f e Wall i no s fina l verica posion. Apply sl ip o e ieed edges of an oher Wall shape a nd place i agais
he Base a an edge adjace o he one wih he aaced Wall Tip e new Wal l p a lowing h e veical edge o ouc he adoing Wa . Al Wall secios shold be joined o he Base hi s way. Wipe a ny excess slip o he exero of he for bu le sip ooe o o e inside o e seams
R 0 C
G E0 M E C
Before atachng he las Wall p sh he ee lengh o a itered scap io one o te coes o he
developi ng or he 90 agl e o he iteed scrap fis perecty into he sea Reinforce the ohe corner he same way Aac he ack Wal with sli p and also refoce he emai ng cores with e ieed scraps
urn ig t e srcure as you go, padde the Wal s o ae ay ecessary adjstmens o he shape.
Srke he otside of the sea wil e bacig te in side with you a d Paddlin g allows yo o adjst he sape o a for reiforce seas, ad squae p the edges
Sooh the surfaces wih yo ng ers and a rigi d ruer ri Softe the rim wit a oist chaois clot he fiise d
vessel sown on page 60 was panted wih wie sl ip . he design was applied wit a sp trailin g applicator and then ed
Afer i was bisq ue fired he e ni re form was dpped in a green ransparen glae and hen ed again
Poect: Carved Lantern A lantern creates a beautifu ambence for both ndoor and outdoor settngs You can enhance the eect created by the candlelght placed nside the form by cuttng shapes out of the walls du rng the b u ding process The instructons for ths lantern nclude gudance to make a ftted, removable ld.
Tls: Needle too, mieg tool mea seated rib igd ubbe b, padde oop ool, ubbetipped tool
Make he Base Wall and Roo tepaes fro ardstok
enla gng or red g e o a sie suiabl e or yor desred iece.
Remoiste Cl
k Sbs
Crve Lter tetes
R 0 C
Roll a s ab / inch (6 mm) thick and large e og o accom odae he sie of e e plates Tis
sla will be tinn er so ta he egativ e sapes will be easer to cu lace he tempaes o te slab, ad se the needle ool o cu ou he s apes Yo eed three Wall s, one ase, and ree Roo shapes
p You may eed more ta oe sl ab
f you subsaal y cease the s e o he templaes to make a lage l ater.
Sandwic the sections between wo ware boards ul hey dry o he lea her-had stage. Mite al l
the edges o he ase with 5° angles er he sde and bottom edges o te Wal s as well (leave the top edges sqae) M iter the sides o he Roof shapes (leave the oom edges sq ae) Save e reans from the iteed edges for use in a ater sep
Score a he miered edges wih a serraed rib . Cove e Roof shapes wih a thn plasic shee ad set
he aside Pa ce te ase o a bat or sall ware board, ad set he both on a and ig wheel . se the slip applicaor o apply slip o al he scored edges o he ase ad Wal ls . Aac wo Walls to the ase a d to each oth e as descried i seps 3 a nd 4 of the G eoetic Vessel poec (see p age 60)
0 C
eore atachig the fin al Wal enorce a l o he seas wih he tered scaps saved i step 2.
Sqare u p he agles of te joied Walls y appig the wt he padde whil e usng yor and o race he opposite sde o he orm. Sooth te surface even more wt your figers or the rigd rer ri if needed While sll o the a or ware oard cover the p iece wih a ti n pasic sheet o keep i mos ad set i aside.
Apply sl p to te scored edges of the Roof sha pes Leave one sh ape a on a wae oard a d aac a Roo sap e
o eac side rei norci g te seas with e tered scaps as you do he asse y. Oc e he wo sectios are attached appy he rean ig secio ad reiforce tis as seam. Place the Roof on he wae oard a d adjust the agles wih a paddle if needed. S oo the surace and edges with e rigid rer r if eeded
ake the p astc off he assemled ase ad Walls a d place he assem ed roo o op of the for Give te for
a 360° tr to make su e te roof is on sraight Use he need e tool o a k ins de eac cor ner of he oof where he roo mees he ops o he Wa s. The ark is for a flan ge wh ch s a sma aachment ha stail zes te roos postion o e Wal s
Remove e roof and eas ure up inches (38 c) fo e mark oward he pointed top. a k tis ew postion i all ree corners
Yore goi g o place the finished flage s aove hs a . Roll a coi iches ( 10 cm) lo g with a /-inch (3 mm ) dia meter and form i ito a spial. Pic he spial ito a riagle ake two more ra gu ar flages so yo have oe or eac core Le he dy o he stiff stage .
R 0 C
Use te serrated ri to score oe flat side o each age and t he areas in side the oo where heyll e attached Add
a sma l a o t of slip to e scoed areas o he ages ress he flages o the oo lace he roo ack o te o makig se te flan ges hol d i t evenly on top o he Wal s If ecessay st te position o oe o all of te flanges
vely remoisten oh the roo ad t e la ter whe hey fi perectly togete r. N ow wa n il t hey reac the sti-sla
sage in aout an ou dependig o n he rela tive hi diy n yor sudio O nce te clay is reoiseed se he eedle too to draw a desg n or he negaive spaces on he exeior of te Walls. si g he loop an d eede ools and starig at he corers c o he shapes . M ake severa sroes alo g each desig l ine u you have c compleely trough he c ay Wall
et he p iece d y o he eahe r-hard stage ater you ct out al of the shapes. Wh the ld si in p ace clea p ad smooh
he exteror c edges wth a ru eipped tool. Remove he lid oce he pece is ne aly oe dry and c lean he n side of the late eoe sqe fiing. Glaze the isde o he lanern were e cadle wll st I ay cade wax spils ill e easier to remove from a gazed surace As with any lidd ed orm re he lanern with te li d in plac e so at the secios sh rik ogeher his will ns re a perfect fit
Tp: Brin g an outdoor lanen
ins de whe tem peatues ae below freezing. Amosphec moi sure a's trapped i n a porous cl ay body wi expand as the p ece feezes and may cack e clay
A stoeike matte gaze aets the iptae eig of the ishe ater
Chis Theiss Dummy,
Sla- ilt earteware sg raio, vitreos sli ; eleri ired y a
TaeHoon l
34 x 8 x inches (8.4 x 4. x 1 .8 m) Hand-buil t stoeware and porela i; gl aze gas fred
arsi t
Pht by
MyungJin l
8 x x ihes 4. x 8 x .8 m) Had-uilt orelai derglaze lear glaze yTyua
Tecqe: Making a nd
Using Stamps Stamps alow anyone -of any skill level to deveop the most creative surface designs Stampng s ncredby easy because most cay ready accepts the m presson of any texture Whatever your aesthetic, you re bound to fnd or create a stamp with texture or a m ot that wlll su it the form you want to make
fo a od-object sta ow o make several tyes of stas ad describes the sta aliq rocess.
go on a reasre hu n or objects tha can
be sed as sa s. Yo can f id textue in natre as sbtle as ree bak or as distnc as a l eaf or seashel . ook or oeal stams ewely mechanic al arts or eve a caved archecra deai l. Oce yo star looig youll see exte on objects you've ever noticed beore Recessed o carved areas i he fin shed sa wil l a e rased areas i the clay srace If a obec has a oos srace sch as nsed wood un glazed clay or aser yo ca im ress it directly ino cay. If a object has a srace tha's meal lastc glass glaed cay or ohe nonorous ateial e clay igh sc o hat ateria You can sil u se hese objects i yo bush a igh dustng o corstarch which acts as a resis ed on he sta 's srface (Cornstach resdue bus out duri g he fi ng rocess) Whaever yo decide to us e ust ake sure tha he srace does't have any ndecs (see age 1
• BISQUE STAMPS Maki ng sa ps s a g ea way o ize he scraps o clay a ea in wen you cu a shape ro a s la as a leas / ch (1 cm) h ick Fo a one-o-a-kid samp, sm ply draw a reeand desgn d ecly oo he scrap se a ee dle ool fo cisi ng he l nes i he c ay. Anohe opon is o anser an exsing drawing o copyrig-ee m age . F s, lay i over he c ay. hen use a a l sylus o ace ove he design ines, applying enough pressre o leave pressios n he clay eers in a desig need o e drawn acwards n he cay. his is easie f yo make a paper paern ha ca e pa ced o op of he clay and he raced Sar y usin g a lack ma rker o wre as you norall y wold o a piece of paper. Place he paper, wrog side p, on he cay o see he ackward eers ha yo inc se i e clay To fiish he sap, you ll n eed a eedl e ool, carving ools, a scoig ool ad sl ip aw e imag e ino he clay wih a all syls,
and hen acceae he racng y cung o is o clay
w he loop and oher carvng oos
Coose ools ha ake wider
ad dee pe nes an yo wan fo he finis hed pie ce, o copesae or he sr kage ha appens as he cay samp dries a d s red Vary he deph or widh of your cavi g o make n eresig de sigs or exues C anoher sla scrap ha's slig y lage an he eched pi ece. e o dy l hey'e eaher hard Score he ack of e eched shape an d one side o he plai scrap Appy s p ono he scored srface o he samp,
ad press he ogeher. The plai n acke sla
gves he sap addiio al sreg Ae isque r g, a ha edos wok wil pay o wih dozens of de nical samped im pressons.
COP MARK A samp can h elp you leave a uiqu e ad peran e ark l ike a paers sigaure on evey pece a yo ae is pesoal d enicaio is cal ed a chop mark. You ic se n ias o a sma l sybol ino a wad o clay ha was rolle d o a sh or hick coil wih a d aeer ha's wide eogh o accoodae he mark C e clay wad o 3 n ces (6 cm) log so i's comforable o od. Make one ed s oo and eve o accep your mark. Make his a rk a bi larger an des red o al low fo shri nage d rig drying .
he caving ool leaves a crub ly reside
o bur wai ul e p ece is boe dry before bushi g i of B isque fire e sap and i'l be ready o se.
HOT-GLUE STAMP Oce a rai o ho g e has d ied on a wood sface yo can use e p iece o leave beauil mpressios in clay Al you need is a o-g e g and o e o more gl e sicks a scrap of wood wi one fla srface soe sa ndpaper a d a permae fel a er. Wipe of ay dus o e wood scap scuf e fla s rface wi he sadpa pe ad he d raw your design on e srface w e marker. race over e dawig wih a rail o gl e fo e ho-ge gun
very caref he ho glu e and e gu ip are exremely o. ( Keep a sall bowl of waer earby so ha you ca douse a finger f o gle ands o ) Acieve addii ona ineresig exure wi edrl-l e srigs ha ae lef whe yo release he rigger and draw e glue g away rom he sap. he ho gue dries as soon as has cooled of A i s poin yo're ready o samp wih i
lways score the area where you wll aly the stam aliqu
STAMP APPQU Yo can a pply a sap to a oist clay slab cu t he sta ped ma ge rom the sab ad en a pply his shape o your orm. Tis s call ed a stap appiq or his p ocess gaher yor sap nee dle ool ad serraed rb or wie scorig tools and soe slip I's bes to make e appl qu wth t in slab scraps; / inc (3 ) is sitable O nce youve ade al l te samp im pressions c aond the stamps to creae ieresting shapes Bevel the edges wi a neede ool o give he a apered look
yo'e cocered
about disorig te im pressed desgn harden it by lighly eaig te srface wih a hea gu or ai dryer This wi l prese ve he deai of he stamped desig. Now arange he appl iq p ieces o he orm. Use a met al ib to save dow he appl iq s i hey'e too thick
Wen you're happy
wi the coposiio g hly mar heir pacemen on he orm wth a neede ool
Make sue hat all t e peces are he same level o
dryess Reosten i necessary (see page 1 ) I e appl iqu a nd orm ae at he leat er-hard stage score he maced suaces and appl y a sall a on t o slip o he scored area o the samp a ppiqu If youre wokg with arge appl iq pieces press fo te c ente ot to rem ove any a r pockets I excess si p ooes ot re ove wi a poi ed edge o a rubber-ipped ool. Press down all o he edges to hide them ad give he appliq a more reed oo.
Poect: Ap pl q u T e A smple, flat tle s a perfect surface for expermenting with stamps. The most challengng part of ths process s keepng the tle flat. Use a clay body that contans a large amount of grog A clay of this consstency goes a ong way toward e m natng warpng Tls
Need e too, at-ed oop too, id ue , ie sco too mea seaed ri poi eded ue-tip ped too
Make a sam o he srface decoraon o is iece. Cu a 5 x 8ich (2 7 x 203
c) emlae fro card soc Roll a sa / nc ick (1 cm) ad large enoug or he uer of es you wan o make Wle he sa s ois ad s l o e ware oad se he elae ad needle ool o cu one or oe ie saes o e sla Se asde he scras de a i asc see o ee he ois.
Tip: A c e is ess i key to arp
di dyi ad r
g Usng Teltes
ig Sbs
St Au
0 C
� Tip f you il es eed o be a
seciic ii sed si ze, use a clay ue (see age 12) to caculate te sr i age rae of yor cl ay body
Meas e 2 inces ( cm) down ro e o edge Wi e ile's boom edge closes o you sar ressing
dow io e c lay wi e aed loo ool Wen yo're alway roug e de of e ile us e oo forwad oward e oosie edge of e ile. Slowy ease e ool ou of e ile a e sae me ll ing o e excess clay
� Tip: Always work wit e til e a
o e wae boad ut it's eae ad, to evet fro warig.
Swe e large rubber rib a cross e recess o eove any rased areas of dislaced cay o ake
e bac of e ile a Wie e cay is s l m os soo e ouer edges wi your fingers o a so rib ool Use a second wae board o i e le rg side Ree e on edges Cove e le w a in lasic see ad se aside for e ie beig
Toss e s ab scra s l eyre / in c (3 ) ick Sa e srace and en cu
o some saes o ae sam a iq s a you' ll aly o e srace o e l e. ake e asic of e ile and arrange e aiq ieces on i Ligy mak er laceme o e ie wi e eedle oo
If ecessary, r emoiste the tile o sta p applq s so ha al l o the pieces are a he
same stage o dryess (eiher stif or eaher had se a wi re scoring tool to scoe the bac o he appli qus ad the front o he ile at the pl aces ey'll be atched. Brs a sall aoun of slip o he back of each appli q, a d pace i on he ile I f yo re wokng wth large appliq s, se yor ges to pess rom he ce er ou o remove ay ai r pockes ae care ot to damage t he i prit on te s ace
excess slp oozes o, reove t wih a pointedged rub beipped ool . Wi your
fingerips, press down o hide the cu edges ad give he appl iq a efied ap pearance. Leave he tile flat o he ware boad un i it's bone dy
semiopque, lowre cobt blue glze ooks especi y good on red cly body becuse the glze poos in th e recessed res nd thns on the rised res highigh tng the textured design on the stmp ppliqu
Poec: Brd Sculpture The trck for creang successfu scupted peces that wont collapse durng form ng or fri ng s u sng newspaper armatures. These act as temporary supports when scu lptng They rema n encased the clay whle you work, and burn ou aer durng the frng process
Newspaper mas g ape, eedl e l metal se rated ib st ubb etipped t
g Usng Teltes
ig Sbs
St Al
R 0 C
a e or uy one or more stamps or he wngs ad a eathers. Make te Body ad Base templates rom cardstock, elagng or reducing the
to a size su iale or your desired piec e Roll a sla to a hic ness of / nch (6 m) and a legth ad widh ha will accomodae he epaes u one Body and one Ba se from the cay sla. Sore he cay shapes and scraps und e a th plasic sheet uti you'e ready to use the
rumpl e a sh ee of ewspaper repeatedly to relax the fies Smooh ou he sheet, ad ol
ino a narow oval wi tapered ends. Make te diaeter o ore than al the ody's wd ad thee-ua res of e Bo dy's leg t Tape he e dges o prevet te shape rom u nol in g This is e armaue.
� Tip: Make armat es om so
ewspape so ha he cr m ped ete wo goge he clay ha's appl ed
lace he arature on he B ody c loser o the fat ed te id's eck) Wap he
Body around the aat ue o ake a cone shape. Mark were he peces ovelap. pen the Body, a d score the machg su aces with e serrated r Apply slip to the scoed areas, a d press the together Stoe he edges unil they're fused otnue joiing the edges u i te cl ay otally ecases he newspaper. I necessary, stoke he ends ui oh are poed The thickes part o he shape i s closer to one end et the Body dry to he stifclay stage
ip Pl ace drying sc pted sapes on
a soft sace, s c a s a se e of foa, o pevent te oi st cay o sagg ng and insead conor ing o te sape o te a sace t's esting on
orm the Base o a cyli der wih ovelapped edges. Score te mached edges, and appy
slip on the sc ored areas. Sroke te edges to fse e ogeher. et his piece dry to sislab sage.
Place te Body o he Base ig ty ak te area on e b d's undersid e wee it wil be atached o
e Base, using the eedle oo Reove the Body, and score the top of he Ba se ad t e Body area just nside e marks Appy sip o e Base, ad fse he wo pieces togeher. Roll a coi log e oug h o wrap arond e op of the Bas e and make te diam eter / ic (6 m hick Wle he Base s still ois, d rag your index figer verticaly togh the col Add aoter coil aroud e botto of the Base o add sabiliy ad decorave continiy
Rol a ball o clay the sie of a golf bal Pinc i ino a ond bowl o sa e ead.
Leave he boto nc ( 1 3 cm ti ck P inch ou te beak wi the excess clay a he boom of the bowl Elongae te ope ing to creae a neck, ad widen t eog o si p over te shor, apered end of the Body. Pac e te ead on the Body I necessary c and t aper he openi g of the ead to ensu re a snug fi over te Body
R 0 C
Aga place he he ad o he ody. Lg hly mar he aea where they overap, using he e edle ool Remove e
head a d scoe bo o te maced areas Apply sli p on the insid e of te neck Place the head over the ody ad gently se he m ogeher. se a so rub be-ipped tool to carve he eyes ad ote deails se the e edle too to piece a sall ho le i a n iconspicos p ace o release trapped air inside e ody and e ad. Air must be able to escape duri g ing or te orm will explode
oss the clay slab scaps o / i ch (3 ick ad samp hem wh su table otis or ail eaters u o eather
shapes ro e stamp design s Experi et wh diferent sizes o nd one tha appeals to you . u he edges a a severe agl e usng he eede tool. his underct gves e edges a thin e ore rened appearance . Score ad s ip he eaes and te ody a e postions the peces wil be joined Apply he eahers, c rvg hem o he ody S ice hese th ap pedages ca be easily broken of oly exend he 2 or 3 inces (5 1 or 6 c pas he ody
Stamp m ore of he sab scaps for the wg s. u wo eefor wings fro the saped scaps Fi is hese sap
appli qus wth underct edges, a d apply em o he birds ody i he sae way ta you ataced te tai feathers.
he ni she bi was ecorate with uneglazes while in the greenwae state A patina solution an ecoative glazes were appie for the fnal fring
Poec: Nestng Box Ths box project s both sculptura and functonal Its a ldded form wth a brd handle on top. Ths pece s made wth leatherhard slabs that are scored and joned wth s pped seams. The b rd s sculpted wth the pnchng technque Stamp applqus are the fnshng touch
Needle tool ieing ool errated i ool poined re-ipped ool paddle
Make or by two rectang lar samps oe shou ld be arrow and the oer sho d be wide (see step )
You also need a cic ar edallio sap ae he Base, Frot and Back Wall, Side Wall, ad oof te plates rom cardsock, rst ea rgig o redu cg em o a sze suitable or you des ired pece . oll a slab / inch (6 m t ick ta's a ap poprae lengt an d widt for the tempates youve made Place he sab o a large ware boad
icg oms
Sb Builig
Nesng ox emples
R 0 C
0 X
lace te tempates on e mos slab a d cu o e sapes, sg e neede ool You need o e Base
sape and wo o a e est areflly eove te excess clay aoud e sa pes ad soe tese scraps n der a i pasic seet o keep em ois o se i sep 7 Pace aoer ware board on op of te sa pes, ad e em dry ut ey're eaer ard Use e mierig tool o ct all of e edges o te Base, Frot and Back Walls, a d Roof sapes to a 5 angle Also cut s age on a b oe upper edge o bo of e Side Walls . Stoe te miered scraps nder a plastic see.
Place a sall ware boad on a badg weel ad pu e cay Base o op of it. Scoe all o te edges o te sa pes
usi ng te serated r ib ool Atac e boto of a Fro and Back Wall to e Base edge to edge, st applying a sa ll a on t of sli p on bo o e acig , scoed edges. Wipe o te excess sli p only o te ousde of te seams I t e sae a nne r, atac t e Side Walls to te B ase and firs Wall ress a miered stip into eac core to reinforce e seam s Yo don' need to score and slip is scap
Atac te ea in g Fro ad B ac Wall to te developing orm, agai n scorig e edges ad
usig slip i eac seam . Reinforce e nteior o tose remai ng seas wit ore o e scraps Turn e bad ng weel o i spec e ete srucure. rm e top edges i ey ae even ad evel . Score, apply slip , ad te place te Roo secons o te top edges o e Wals
P R 0 C
0 X
Tap te pad dle aro d the for if the shape eeds o be adjusted Air rapped insid e the box wll
spport te for while youre sn g he paddle o . Paddling s a great way to reinforce seams because the orce compesses he cay parcles together Tr the piece o the bandg wheel o nspec all the angles. oie to make adjustets as eeded
Decide w here you want to cu th e op o e form o ake a li d sing the eedle too sketc a l ne aod te for
Whe you draw ths lie in clu de a ey (a i q e shape o indi cae he l ds correct orietatio o t e box. Te ln e is te gude for cting the lid Score he ine sevea ties g adually cuing co pleely throug h he clay. If the clay is too ard o cut reoise it see page 1 1 areful y remove he ld ad rei nforce Tp: ees of a form ha sho uld t
e seas o te roo us g scaps ha yo se asde ear ier
ogether when dry mus be ept togehe as hey dry ad shr in o esu re a sug it
lace the lid back on te box. se the slab scaps set aside step 2 to make ong samp app iu s for all
of he edges. reae these strips in a ageabe sectios matching e ir edges so ha yo have a seaess desi g wen you place the en d o end o te box M ae a medal lon a pp qu Score he edges of the box and he bac of he stap appl is, a nd appy si p o e scored surface of he appl q pieces. Press te pieces to he box gely shapig em aroud the angles Sitate the medali on o he cener o the l d
Tip: Use stamps ha ae propotio o
he overal si ze of the box; deoatos shou d aenuae he fom wihou dom nain g i
se wider design for the border round the Bse to gve the piece sense of solid struc ture nd visu l weight
R 0 C
Sa pe a slab scap no a wad of clay te size o a sal l pl u
ich i into a iverted, elogated, ad soewha aeed tran gle Rond off oe end o orm he head o a bid A hat rouded ed, pinch a sal coe o or h e beak his s he star o the ird tha's posiioed on top o he ox as a handle
Pnch the o pposie end to orm he ail eahers and t he pinc the botto of he iverted
rian gl e o om a si or he B ase of the bird orm ake t ssanial e og to create a fai am ont o suface aea o atachng he rd andl e o the box. se e poined bertipedged ool o add eyes, eaher makings, ad othe details.
When the andle is leaher had, place t on he lid se he eed le ool to ligty ma k te area o he roo were
he ad le wll be atached Score and s ip boh aeas, ad press he togeer. Re foce this sed area wih a sma l rolled c oi, and bled i smooth The fiished ox show o p age 79 was isque fi red, the he en ie piece was staied and given a patina wih an oxde wash he i was fied a secod ie.
Naatve awn wee ncbed nt the featue f when t wa leathe ha. When the pece wa bne y the dawn wee pante wth undeaze
ynn ishe un,
x x ihes . x x .9 m Sl- ilt stewre e 9- xidtin iressed urdk leves P yat
Jennifer A. Everett Tl,
x x inhes ( x x Extrded stewre gs fired i redtin e O stped d erti Poobyat
9 x x 1 i es 9 x 1 .8 x . Sl-i lt wite stewre; llw d les pressed rlled dts bisque e ; glze e redti Phty m Baw
Jnathan N iclw Vaeie N iclw sinaion
8 x 8 x % i es (.3 x .3 x m Sl-roll ed l ow-re wie ly eletri fre d oe 4; reli e sul ture smed elements, oil it, tr nd vris Pty arist
Rache Beg
X x 4X x 3 ihes ( 4x 1 .4 x . m Weel -row nd nd- iI stonewre sod fred one O imressed desi gs Pty tt
l<isten l
Fanl James Fshe Mik Pih
OX x 3X x ines (. x 8 x . m Sl-ui l poreli ru ired t y tt
Eh 8 x x X ine s (.3 x . x 3.8 m Hd-bilt sl ostrtio mid-rge oreli: stmed rved d sli deortion mul ile g lzes eletri red t tt
Maggie Mae Beyele Ca'd'oro,
x x inches ( x x 8 c Slabroll ed wite stoeware electric fired coe laser oe r iage traser coe 4 matte gree/roe glae d erglae staed text hoto MagotGt
Lana Wison eramic Book ith Moveable Pages
8 x x ices (. x .4 x c Wite stoeware ad-u il sla; staped dry glaze ixtures wit wo glaze fr ings el ectric fred hoto att
Kathyn innety Oval apo,
x 9 ices 1 x 9 c Sla costructio wi raised-lie relief wie sli over erra cotta; coe 4 Poto y Tom Ro
Inspiration Dscoverng a techniqe and then expressng t n clay s the start of an excitng jorney n ceramcs. Yet, after absorbng the bascs, yo may fnd that you want want more more textre, more color, more than jst a basic form Heres what to do when you reach that pont IT'S EASY TO TO ROMANTCZE C REATIVIT REATIVITY Y AN D IN SPI RATION RATION.
You d yourself gazing at an a mazi g pece a sow ad thin k 'Were did that idea come from from Ad you do't ave o go ar to d a ceam is wo sayss of a orm say orm or sace decoation ' I js cae o me. Som e people have a kac or or ceaing ceaing inn ov ovat atve v e had-bui lt oms, oms, extre, and paerly efecs efe cs Te resls can be m agical . B he pocess is' Aristseter Aristseter cosci osly o insictively insictively lear to use sp iraon o tap into hei creaivity creaivity. You can do the sa e
EXPLORE PLORE TECN IQ IQUES UES EX Teess a vey old sayig Tee sayig tha l uc is when prepaaio ees oppouity The sae ca be sad for creaivy ce yo've leaed a technqu e you ca creae opportnies tat wil h elp you tap no yor creativty creativty so that you you ca develop wok has qu e and erestig. Pick a favor favoree item, a s flowe flowerr or or exaple, ad consider ways ways hat you you ca us e a techiq e o i nerpre nerpre this flower flower youe youe havig oble gei g stared, stared, a e a is o al he ecn iqes ta yo enoy. enoy. ow cosder how each oe ca be appled o hat tem For a suower, yo ig pic petal shapes tha can be attached attached to a slab bi l orm orm r yo could plu ck a peal, peal, press i into a clay ay surface, ad accentuae the su ble texre texre wth a patina (see page 110
lay ile s have a goo aea o exploing suace suace applicaions. ee heye se o play wih glaes an colos ha ame ame an enhance vinage bi ecals.
ont woy about the quaity of you dawing You You don t hae to to focus o n ceating a beautifu image
• START A SKETCBOOK Whe yo see a itere iteresting sting iag e cut t ou ad tape i into a noebook Bette Bette yet, yet, ty sketchi sketchi g Yor Yor goa i s to gai an uders udersading ading o he shape o he subject, subject, ss coor or variato s colors, an d e su rface texte texte Ths kowledge eads to it elli get de cisons abou ypes o clay clay, co strcio techiu es, a d suace decorao decorao or a piece based on that subjec. Yo ca see his p o ocess cess of sdying sdying a orm a d hen nerpreig t a cerami c for for n the sketchbook and clay box box Note how the waercoors waercoors i te ske skechbook chbook capure he goat's eck extensio extensio the shape o the ead a d te postion o he eyes. ey es. a aying ying at ateton eton o hese deails and havng he s ketc ketches hes to reeece led o the whimscal creare o op of he box This T his pece is pa of a series ta iclu des the Nestin g Box projec o page 79 As you work o te projects in his book cosder how yo yo ca ake hem yor yor ow.
FREE ASSOCATE Tae a bi of of ie o look arou d your evronmen evr onmen a d h k a bou yor lie Wha ae your passios ? Are yo drawn o color or exe? For some people, deniying heir avorie exres colors, and p assios is d iicul. Yo Yo ay fid you answers a afenoon or ove a o o r wo Yo ay even e ed o wok wih clay or or que some ie l oe d ay ay you dscover a a red o hee as been eergig all alog Develop Dev elop ng a piece a expresses a cocep you care abo isn' aways easy b many have fod success w ree associaon. Tr Try p ig your concep or idea o paper ad en concep o down down ohe ideas wods, and mages a a coe o nd Some ideas
sees of selfpotats clay evtably ed to moe pched peces that expess love fo the famly pets hese hese foms wee wee pated wth deglae ad s p whle the gee geewae wae state pata solto was appled at the bse stage ad the they wee fed aga
raslae ino a coor red is fequely associaed associa ed wi ag e e, fo exampl exampl e Soe shapes are uiversa sybols,
such as a dove o peace. er sha pes
Aoher way way o expore a e me is o ake a ook a your pas works Yo ay fid
ay have symbolsm only o you bu,
yorsef yors ef eurning eurning agai and agai o he sae sape o glaze ow a yo're yo're
oce ceaed ceaed in clay, clay, he ean ig wil
aware awa re o is red, yo ca conin e o dev develop elop i i, push g he app icaio ad
become a pparen o ohers Do' sop
aerials a df dferen eren di rec recio io wi each ew fo. You You os sccessfl sccessfl piece
yousel ro ro wing dow a crazy idea
col d be very dferen from he ear lie r ones To someoe o sde his process,
hass forn ha forn g, bec ause i mig lead you somewhee ineresig veual ve ual ly ly, an im age wl eerge nce you
who sees only e oe you like he os, yo've creaed magic Yo can mull ove overr deas, b u insp raio eally akes of of when you ae acion. I ohe words, words, sop sop ki g, grab a hu k o clay, clay, and go play
ave a agibl e form i m ind, yo ca sar worig w your clay
Idetfy commoaltes past woks sch as a love fo yellow gae ad bds ad the se the sbject coo mateals texte o theme as coted spato
Tecnqe: Surface Decoraton Ths secto troduces you to materals that ca be appled to greeware. Later i ths same chapter, you ca lear how to use these materals for seve welkow techques: sgrafto, lay, slp brushwork, slp tralg, steclig, burshig, ad patg wth udergaze (see pages 90 to 99). AT ALMOST EEY STAGE I N CAY WOK
you ave te
oppouity o ena ce a for Yove probably heard abou addi ng g laze o a fo wen it reaches he greeware greeware stage see see page 1 ) Yet Yet th ere a re oher aerals aerals an d eciques that you can appy beoreo beo reo in place of ofglazing glazing Is easy o become capivated by ay o te maerials and ecqes at are itrodced ee If this a ppens, i won't won't be ard or you o rack dow dow e ntire books abo surface decoratio, decoratio, wich ca gu ide yor frther frther exploation
Exan your reeroire wih o o o boom boom burn ishing senciling sgrafo uner glae aining i nlay nlay sli rail ing an sli brushwork brushwork
D C 0 R A 0
MATERALS Sp, egobe, terra sigilaa, and dergaze, which are all expaied in this secton, a e kid o like a ceramist's pain box Whe sed with o e or ore classic su race reatmet tecni es, they can gve you piece a ni e ook and feel Befoe you sart sing any of ese mateials, t's a good dea o deveop a basc undestandi g of hem, so you can choose he oe ta can bes ehance your piece
lp a nd ngob cps bgin with a whit bas to whch colorants such as natura oxids or anuacturd Mason stai ns a addd
ae, essent iay,
thi ne d down clay Yo se oe o r the
o bisue (b ake care appy ing t to
a smooer, more even ish se a
he ragie stage o greewae
ticker si p to sow codent brush
Both slips and engobes ca be
other to colo a piece, add texre, or act
sed for sgrafito, il ay, sl ip rail ng,
as a gro d o a decoratve technu e.
stencilig, ad extre brshwok,
to a mae sh, s mi lar to bare bisue
Egobes, wich contai ess clay han
echiue s hat are explai ed on
ware. I yo waed a shi y ish, fi rst
slip, can be app lied to clay a any
pages 90 to 9 Sli ps ad e gobes are
fie te apped s ip o egobe, he
stages o dryess, cld ng b sue
a so used n a fnctonal way So e
apply a emperatrecopatibe c ea
wae n soe cases. Slps, o the other
ransparen glazes ook raer uky o
gaze ater takin g he pece ot o te
and, a e sually appli ed to a leathe
a dark clay body A wie backgroud
kil, and e e piece yet agan
ard s race.
o slip, applied rst, al lows he vibra
Be aware tha appyng a
Sinc e various clays shri k and re at dferen raes, te sli p or engobe shou d be chemical y copaible wih he cay sed o m ake the for
radiioal slp s and en gobes re
colors o a asparet g aze to show
nonco patible s lip o engobe ofe
re o he ware
yields d isastros esults you p a
The ethod yo se to apply the
low-fire sl p on a igh-fire cl ay body,
aerialwih a b rsh, or exaple
you'l l end u p wth a sopy mess
wil be apparent afer ig . Vay he
Alteratively, ri g a hi gfire slip on a
applied to eaer-ard ware, some work
cosistecy of the sl ip o engobe o
low-fire clay body wil l proba bly case
we a ay sage of dryess, fo mois
weak he look A tin e sli p yields
te slip o crack o.
Wie mos sip omlaios are
D C 0 R A 0
erra sigillata the iddle layer in thi s jar is a si ade of ine cay articles. he to and botto layers are discarded
is a type of slip that
conains o nly he es paricles o clay. Most ofe used o achieve a deep sai fiish by bising (see page 98), i ca
it's soees appie d o top o a
also be appled ad fied o a sof waxy
opaue base glaze majolica decoration
is a good exa ple o his reame.
Tera sigillaa is made by
o brshing on (see pages 11 1 ad
Uderglaze ca be sed o any ype o
combi i g clay ad wae, then add g
1 3) o rean is atural usros sheen
clay, and any und egazes ca be fired
a defloccant o hel p he er paricles
terra sgi llata shou ld be fired a a ow
to viualy ay emperaure
separate fro he heavie ones he
temperaure (usually not h iger than
i xure ress fo at e ast 4 ho rs
cone 04 see page 1 to ear ore
to pai t You ca se i o draw a
so a i separates no hree parts
abo pyoetrc coes) Afte fir g,
brd or ay othe r mo Yo c an ix
Te op i s excess wae, the boom
you ca add g azes on op of it
u derglazes of varios colors to create
his vesaile medi is simla
conains he heavier clay particles
new colors, s c as comb in g yellow
and the middle laye conas the
and bl e to make gee (Becase
fie partces, or terra sigi llata. Te
commercal deglaze om as are so
waed wae is rereved u sing a
inexpesive ad reliable, os ceraic
sipho n The tera sigil laa is sipon ed
artsts choose to purchase the ather
of as well nc e the tera sigil laa
tan ixing heir ow) Ul ike glaze,
s coleced the boto laye can be
te colo of fired ndergl aze closey
dscaded (see te recipe on page 123).
resembles te coo i will be afte the
As wi oher slips, tera sigil laa
pece s ed
ca be a de i an array of colors Tradio ally, is colos mim ic te c lay
Ahough deglaze, sps, egobes, and era siglata do't eire
body i came from, so yo can have shades of black, red, or whte S ma
ga zing, a coating o clear or raspare UNDERGLAZE
is a xtre of fie
gaze ca accentuae he loo ad feel
amou ns of coorants ca be added to
clay paricles and co orans formulated
of the srace a s well as make he
a whie base o create sbtle vaiatons
to use on clay a ay sage of dryness
for safe fo food. A cear glaze ad ds
Tera sig lata i s applie d to bone-dry
or on b squered ware Atho gh t's
shine a nd deep ens he colors of both
clay by eiher dipp ng he orm i to t
usually appled n de a clea glaze,
te underglaze ad clay
D C 0 A 0
• METHODS e maerias hat yo eared a o o pages 90 to 92 ca e used i a tremendo s nu e of ways Some of the mos well know ae explaine d e re sg rafo, i lay, slip shwor, sl ip tralig, seclig, rnishig, and derglaze paing Wi le he i srucios ha follow just scrach te surace o wat's possie , you'l lear eno ugh o get stared n s uace decoratng . Yo can experime wt tese technie s usng he sare plate project on page 00 ce you kow the ascs, you ca co tiue o develop you skll s n echi ues that you d ost appeal i g. You ay even ed up app yig severa tecni es o a s gle for, or a complex, on eo-akind piece. onsider su rprisg a viewe wih su face deail on te ack or oom of a p ece Decoate te ack firs so yo anuacurers poduce derglazes n many fors ud , pencil, chal, and d ry palete sim ila r to te paee for waercolor paits. Each medi poses special challeges nderglaze ca e shed, spatered, sponged, daw, or ailed (sueezed i a hi ine oto a for Yo can use t hi coas li ke waercoors, or apply i in thick layes for opaue coverage l ike slip, nde rglaze does't reain any as fro he applicaio ethod, or ehance surace textre n lid form, he cosistency of d erglaze esemles heavy cream . It coas e surface without erfeng wi a ny o the clay's textral deail
wo' mar he ron.
Eci ng a s rface is a g ea way o creae old g rapic d esign s Yo a ren' carving d irecly o e clay wi s ecnqu e; i nsead, yo work ino a coaig a yo've applied o a leaer ard p iece Te coaing, wic is le o dry efore yo sa workg o e surace, ca e a slp e ngoe or dergae (see pages 90, 9 , ad 92). Ay ype o cay s s iale fo sgraffio, u e ecque is mos efecive wi ig-conras colos suc as wie slip o red cay or lack slip on we clay. Sar e process y dpp ig a wde painrs io a slip, e ngoe, or d ergae oose a maerial a's compaile wi e clay sed o ae e for Te mos comm oly used aeial s sp , so e res o ese nsrucios will use is maeial o descrie e process Evenly disrie e liq id on e surface o e wae
D Vsie rus
mas are accepale, alo g yo don' wan e s ip so ick a e srface as dened rdges Use an ud ergae, rae an slip, yo do'
wa ay sace exure a al l. ) e e s p dry B s o a secod laye o si p o esre opaqe coverage Se e form aside il i's dy o e oc Ligly skec your des gn on e pae, sng a so-lead penc. A need le ool scraces e s race, so do' se i u less yo' re coden or wa a spoaeos desig arve io e surace aong e applied desig lnes, sig e al sys and a varey of e ea loop ools
Your go al s o scrape of e
sp o expose e s ace o e clay nde ea Use ools o diee wids o add ineres o yor i nes Keep i d a e arks yo ake will sr ink as e clay dres. o exape, a eedle ool makes a lie so n i ay almos dsappear A a sys, o e oe ad, as a wide ip a's more appoprae or lie work
eal loop ools are perec or carvig o larger sapes e sip is oo dry if i cips. I you make a sake, yo' ll ave o sponge of e s i p and sa r over We you 'e saisfied wi yor wok, isqe fire e piece ow you ca apply a cear gae, i des red, ad p oceed o e secod rg.
D C 0 R A 0
Heres a opporunity to urn a desig ito a orm When t eaches he leaer-ard sage yo' l carve ito he clay surface a d then l t e areas wi a contrastingcoor sli p o engobe . Sc aping away he excess sip o e su race eveas he ilai d paern. Firs sketch yor desgn o the for with a soft-lead penci l or a need e tool. his allows yo to pay arond wi design an d coposiio before sartig carvig For carving choose e ball sy s ools or meal loop tools o carve i a design / ch (3 deep
ext, fill he cised ies by brsin g a ayer o sp o a corasting coor i no he carved areas
Sp cotais
qie a b t of waer so it as a ige shrinage rate ha the pece yore woring on Yo d o wan to l e ca ved area with one hick pass of sli p because the slip wil s hri k ad possbly crack whi le drying . I sead, apply severa hin er layers and let eac oe dry to the touc before addi g the next. c e he slp level s eve wih he srface let dry to te l eate-ard sage Scrape o the excess slip wit a ro ded rib .
scrapi ng of the excess clay, choose a r ib bes sited or e clay body. I he cay has a o of grog or exampe se a sf rbber rb. etal ri bs will brn g grog o srface ceatng a very og h texure ud esira be for food ware This wil ucover he iai d desig.
S exture
Srface texture i eay to create wih lip i ud coitecy ake it deal to ma nip ate o a lea er-ard orm Your pi ece wl l have rich ux rio br troke if you pan on the lip w t a tf b h B t ta' no he o ly way to add exte Yo ca a o po lip oto a orm ad e pu h it around wih your fig er o make a oly ud lati ng u face. The folowig i ntruction eare ge rpaied conce tic quare and a b uh-app ied pira You ca , however, create any deired moti, ad here ae may way that you can ceate textue wit p Thn p c oain a lo of oiure hat could ake he wok lu mp, even thogh it' leaher had Yo r be be when coverng a age area i to u e a hcker lip ta conta e water. A good rul e o hb o e lp th e coitecy o cae batte. To ake cocentric quare, yo will have te mo control by od ig the plate in o e an d. Bruh he p ece wih a /nch thick (3 layer o li p. Tr the plate lowy ad m oohly w le ing yo nger to pread he lip ove e u rface
wokng o a plate or bowl, al o pread he i p around he ri o ceate lp exre o bo ide o a for, let the l ip dy horoug hly before i ppi ng the p ece over To make a p al extue place the piece o he ba di g wheel ad bru o a layer o li p T e wheel wih a teady oton a d, aring a he ri drag a paintbh
o you r finge r oward he ce ter
When te l ip i bone d ry b ie fire you work and he apply gaze i deied.
D C 0 R A 0
D C 0 R A 0
S rails
es d aw wih si p add wonderl densio to a orm's suace. Sip traiig s a deal techiq e o a loose, gesual desig. Fo hs ec qe, yo se a slip appl icaor o apply he nes to a le ather ard piece S lip appl icaors come in a varety of shapes ad sizes so hat yo ca do an aray of lie work. S oe o the fancier odels ca be q ite costly Stat wth a basic one hat as a si ge
as this ay goge te clay ad clog e
applicaor ip.
appl icaor ove te ip over he plae
Udergaze ca aso be sed n pace of slip Snce derglaze has a thiner cosstency, use a very narow tipped app icato o corol e flow The drawn n es can be erased,
as you gently sqeeze out the sl p and daw your desgn .
Make yor strokes i a n o ward otion. You ca expei ent wih n e thickess by aering the speed and
so is techniqe equires a cofide
flow o te lin e A q cker stoke ta
an d. o repa a mistake, let the piece
ets less sp produces a thnner lie
dy ad ten sad o te erro.
A sower sroke prodces a t cke ne
Place the piece on a band ig
ry alerig te li e ti ckess to vary
weel. Exed your a so is
you desig Whe yo're fi shed wih
comfortable and free o ove across
the appl icaor, us h the tip wit water
the su race. S pport the foearm wih
and run a wire thogh i to cea
you opposite ad, i desied.
ot the hole
he tip of the slip appicao over te pece, ess a nch ( 16 m m fro the surace Don' le t touch he piece,
Wen te work is leaer ard, bsqe fie it and the app y glaze, if desired
Want to repeat the sae image several ties o a for, or to block slp or d ergaze fo pars o the s urace
wtou panstakng hand d rawng ·
Te sencils a re us he i gs or yo. A stecil ca be a leaf, a scrap o lace, o eve a shape c ot of copy paper o vel m. Placed o e srace of a eather-hard piece, a secl acs as a as at sh ields parts of he srface wen you apply slip o nderglaze. Alos ay flat shape s si abe as a stenci, but cosider sapes at create bold desigs, wich efectively se n egative space. The best fond objecs wot absorb sl ip o nde rglaze and ca be peeled off te srace wtou crubl ing or shreddin g A stecil does't have to be so id. I fac, oles will add more iterest o as straigh lin es, a l you have to do is appl y a low-tack masking ta pe. To create yo ow des ig , draw i o copy paper and ten c it ot wh scissors or a ma kife
Vellm s a
ideal aerial becase is a durable, pasic-like pape that doesn absorb
water. A mat kn fe, paricua rly i i has a swivel ead, can ct no coers ad r precise, deicate lies. Use yor figer o hold the sencil on he su rface o a eath erha rd piece whil e panin g he srface wt a brush dipped in a ui d sip or udergaze in a color ta cotrass wit th e clay om
D ec you r strokes away fro the
edges o te secil o pevent te ed fro leachng udeneah Apply two thin coats Don' wory i e sp or udegaze covers he stenci Whe he edum is dry, careuly lif o he secil to reveal he desig When he wok is leather-hard, b isque re i ad hen apply gaze, i desied.
D C 0 R A 0
Burnshed Surfaces
u rni shig c ompresses pacles of clay so a he s face is smooh, s iny, and doest eadily asorb moiste Alhogh t is s a aor-itesive
copletely xed efore yo begi ,
pocess, the rch, d eep gleam of a
a d stir e reqe y eween
fi ished piece s well worth e eo
appl ications rus a hick, eve layer o
osde r uis hin g as a alterave o
he era sig llaa, i one di recto only,
g azing a pece.
over he s rface o a pece .
Pr tve artists is hed wae tat was used o ood ad liqid s Tese days, urnshig is recomended for
[ When
he era sigl laa is d y o the toch, ts ready to be r ishe d. Decide yol use a sooth
surfaces tha will b e i d rec cotac
stone, the back o a spoon, a piece of
wt ood or liud.
hi plastic, or jst your bae g er o
Prepare a atch o erra sig ilaa
polsh he surface. Ex perme wth
(see page 91 ) whe leig a cay piece
diferet toos o see wh ch oe woks
become oe dry It eeds o be at his
est for yo Staring wherever desired,
stage so tha he clay absors a hick
rub yor too of choce over he surace
ayer o terra sgillaa Ru a so rib ove
Apply odeae pressue
the s urace we is stf f ecessary,
Whe yove wored ove the
to ae i sooth. (A smooh srface
enire su face oe or moe t es, you
s i poant, so you may o wa to
can consider the rishi g finished
b rish a p iece ade rom cay hat has
r, or more dep, you ca add several
a o o grog in i [see page 1 ])
layers of terra sgi llaa, bu rnis hing
Particles o erra si gi lata are so fine
ewee each coa o achieve the
that tey qu icly fal l o he botto of a
sootes sace Fre he i shed
conainer M ae se the paricles ae
Fed undeg lae has a at atte n ish ou ay leave it bae o cove it with a cl ea o tansaent gl ae Not only does the clea coating add oe suface sheen it signcantly deeens o saaes undegae colos and even bae clay itself
ndergaze l icatin
U derglazes chage te colo of te cl ay srace You ca app y oe eve layer o color over your et ie pece, or sh o seveal to ceate a arrative pai g . Experime wth may colors a d varios ruses o gve your piece depth a d persoal ity ae sre that te products you selec ave a fii g temperatre hats copale wi the clay piece. Whe s g ude gaze for paitely efects, srive or ayers o color o create die s o. Experi me wi he cosistecy of the der glaze Waer i dow o achieve a trasucet watercolor efec, or appl y t staigh rom he ja r or a h icker, opaq ue a ppeara ce . Two to t ee coats may e ecessary for compl ee opaque coverage. Star your decoaio o a piece y drawig yor desig oto the surace, sig a sof-ead pecil ait the l arger shape s wth a overal l color.
ow add other colors o top, for detai a d desio
Additioal detais ca e daw o with
udergaze crayos or pecils. Alogh uderglaze ca e appl ed o greeware or s qe ware, he cayos ad pecls are easer to use o isque ware Fiish te pece y fig o a suia e epeatre fo he cl ay.
D C 0 R A 0
Project: Square Pate The open surface of a pate s a terrc canvas for expermenting wth the decoratve techniques explaned on pages 89 to 90 In fact, to prepare or your surface decoraton exporations, you could make several identica forms caled multpes It s easy to m ake them by us ng a tempate and production methods, as explaned here
Neede tl scg tl y l er
g Usng Tepltes
Mkig lbs
lb udg
P R 0 J C
ake a 6-nch-squae (12 c
Tip: ilitaa ojects so
template wih a 3-inch-squae
(6 cm hole in he cene. Ro a slab / inch (6 m thick and arge enogh
e sstatial eog h or sage t e ligh eog o o comfotay
o the u mber o paes that you wa o make
Mae he desired n be of sqa res rom he slab by cig aroun d he pei meter o he
empae with the n eedle tool Yo ee d one square or each plate Still sig the needle ool, lightly skech he epae's isid e squae o each sq are clay shape Ths ma ks he posio fo the plaes foo Store he shapes u nde a thi n plasic sh ee o keep he m os ui youe ready to wok o each one.
o or th e foot (base for he plate o stad o ct a x 8-ch
srip (1 3 x 203 c for each p ae. ut boh o .
he end s o each oot a opposite miered an gles wih the e edle too Move the plate shape to a sall wae board, wrog side p, and se a scorig ool o score a -inch-wide (6 mm lin e alog he draw in e Sand he oo so the side o be aached is facig p Score ths aea, an d appl y a sall aont o slip on it ad alog the scored line on he back o th e pl ae
Tip Yo ca a iterest o e
foo y sig sampe mpressios or cttig o t shapes.
R 0 C
Tin k abou he way yol ma ke ltiple plaes Yo m ght wat to scoe all of te feet and face shapes a he sam e tie the
slip and join everythg a oce and so o This and the emaing steps explai te process or one plate adap tem as desi ed Place togete he spped edge of a oo ad a ace Pace a l e of smal coils of moist clay alog e enire seam al ong he outsde o he oo. Fuse ths coil nti l t disappears Reinforce he teior o te seam i the sae way
Run a pony rolle r alog te edges of the undersde o he plae. his will tape r ad sofen he edges. It ay dspace
some of the cay, creatig a o ganic edge or he ri Run yo ge aong the edge o he i to smooth he edge i needed
Set aside he plae to dry to he sif stage ad ten urn i right side u p. necessary smooth e ri of e plae wth your
fige rs o a dap cao is cloth Place the plate on a bat o small ware board and he se boh o a badn g whee or lazy Ssa Pess down o the ceter of e pl ae wth boh o yo th bs . As you press down ge ntly pll up two opposte sdes of the rim with your nges so ha eyre slightly curved Roate te pi ece ad repea hi s process. over the p late wih a tin plasic shee o keep it moist ntil yoe ready to experie t wth one of the surface decoration mehods Apply su face decoaio o the plae ad re it as desired he set o fi ised plates sown on page 100 was adorned with he srface decoraton echn ques explain ed o pages 89 o 99 an d nis hed wth varios gl aze appic ations
Tip Pl ates ad er fa bets ted
warp s ae ly pae te p lae a wae Mke l of the eges the sme height n ensure the center is even
bad t dry, ad try missape i
Barry W. Gregg Lana Wilson Alta with rawr,
14 x x 4 ies (3. x . x .4 m) n-u i I w ie stoewre stme wor s, texture r glze e leri ire
Fo fo h Ro,
4 x x ines ( x x m) H-ilt stoewre erglze glze eleri ire ht bWalkeMntgme
Phoo byars
Nancy Sevin Still Lie with Rd Bowl
x 48 x i es x 1 . x m) -u i I err ott u erg lze, sli s sreene erg lze text, erglze pei l; el eri ire Phoo bySv S/n
Patrik Coughin rn dis,
3 ies (1 1 ) Slb i It erded resslded erthewre si lksree rser lwfire g les terr sig il lt eletri fired Phoo by as
Paul Frehe Szm! V o,
ies (. 1 . d-u ilt pihed white ertewre lser del glzes under glzes eletri fired hoo bySe Ma
Jessia Kreutter on s,
4 ies (1 . . ) rthewre; lw-ire liti g lze sli eril glze el etri fred st-fred ssely hoo bya
Cynthia Lee Zinni ,
3 ies ( ) Cly lster sl; dergl es gle wer died i sl i nd g le fired hoo bS Man
Lynne Ble
x 1 x inc (3.3 x 3.3 x 3. cm) cm) Hd- i It onr ct c I td fc im rd l li lcric fird t y yWa Wake keMntgme Mntgme
Meody Ellis ricl,
8 x Y x 9 inc (.3 x x . cm) Pinch d o loed ter cred tr ii llt llt d rglz rglz/li /li lze lze blck cor oxd l ctric fired; po t t- -ird ird ml t yat y att
Nancy l
x x ice (3 x 8 x 1 cm) l coiled toere cly; y; oxide, udergl ze, terr igillt, glze uderglze pecil; muli-fred Pt yR aty
Glazing Behnd the smp le appl ca catons tons aor aorded ded by azn azn le some amazn c hem str stryy and fascnatn fascnatn pro processe cessess . Heres the eneral nformation you need to know before you take the next step wth your handbult form: why laes work, what mht o wron, and how to execute some favorte lazn technques
its ow,
- '•
Atou gh there are soe glazes tha can be used
bu glazi g may add just the finis ing oc oc yor work work
on greenware, os are applied to bsqe wae You can
needs Afe Afe yo've hadbuil a piece a nd pehaps
buy these raw raw n gedients o weig and i you ow
decoated he sface sface ad bsqe fi ed i, yo yo e ready
glaze see Recpes o page 122), or purchase prepared
to appy a iq id ta, po fi ing yield s a glassl ike
producs The aterals tha make the magc, and the
surace at pema ently uses o clay
bascs o some technques, technques, ae descrbed i ts secio secio
• MATERALS Te al ties o glazesr glazesraspa aspa ency ency, d egree of shi e, color color, ad exureare exureare he esl o he comple x iteracio of gl aze in gedents o each ohe, the clay body, body,
e atura coorats ro top copper carboate cobat carboate ad red iro oide cage te ised appearace o cay
and firi ng condiios s ch as as te il n's eperatre and atmosphee he fel-to oxygen oxyg en raio The The deciso ns yo yo ake when seleci g a glaze vo vove ve is chei cal composition , coorans, appeaac e, and exure exure All ese erms are explained hee
A gaes require tree basic copoets copoets or or stabity: siica u ad auia
sodum. Mafactrers have also
Glazes ca be ormulated rom a vrtual vrtual ly
developed dev eloped omul as for fts glass
edess combiation o in gredies.
dervatives, dervativ es, which are desi gned to et
olorants, opacifes and texurizers are
a specific emperaues emperaues ad a so ower
added or other aities
siica's meltig point. Flxes and rs
Silica is the primary maeial a gaze As a gass fore, 's resposi resposi ble for usig e glaze o he clay surace. surace.
iflece e look, eel, and drablity o a glaze Alm ina is a stabil izer Wihot t,
xides and carbo ates color a glaze
Two co o ypes o glas s ormers
he gaze wod melt and run o the
They ay also a lte the texre, texre, t e
sed or glazes are flint ad si ca.
srace o he clay. clay. Ball c lay (see page
opaciy, or boh o hese cha raceristcs
Si cas ig eing po (3200F (3200F
8) ad kaoli see page 8) are wo wo
i a glaze.
1 760 760° ° e eds o be lower lowered ed with
common sabilizig aeials because because
addiives now as fluxes hese
hey coa coa s ig icat amou s of of
change, e ring emperatre and
subsaces are ond i the fo of
alm ina A na also increases he
atosphere ay afect afect the c olor of te
feldspar, lim , magesi m, and feldspar
opaciy and had ess of a glaze
glaze. oppe, fo exampl exampl e, trs green
I addition to he natral natral color
i a common oxidaion fng (when oxygen is allowed inside the kiln), bt can r red wen processed in a reducion atmosphee (when he iside of the il is depived o oxygen ) eramic sai s are aoher type of colorat. ke ris and fl xes, anuacurers forlate ceaic stais
are simila r to
ae so satrated
o poduce specific, cosi set esuls
cear or cooed glass because li g
wh coorans and opacers hat
They're ava lab e a wide specrum
passes rog th em so tha you
they competey cover te srace
of colors that may be xed l ke pant
can see the clay surface derneah.
ndereath. pacfiers ca chage te
o creae eve oe colors eamc
Tanspa rent glazes work beautiu ly
oo ad eel o a glaze t ey whiten te
stais ae aso sed o coor u derglaze,
over a bare cl ay body, o r they may be
glaze an d decrease the transparency
slip, and tera sigillaa
applied over sip or derglaze Wen
Tin ad titan m a re he addiives mos
a colored tra spaen gaze is appi ed
ofte sed o creae opaciy n a gaze
over a texted surace, the glaze pools
As yo pla a d b ild your piece, start
i recessed areas, us h ighlighting he
ki g abo weter will be gazed,
srace underneath
Glazes can range om satiy smooh
and what type of gaze will enh ace
to crawly and crsy. A satin , s em
e fo or s rface decoratio.
gloss, o glossy glaze s appropriae
addiion to colo and exre (see pages
fo ood ware his wide rang e of
7 and 0) you'll choose transpa rent
textral varaio c an ranscend ere
semiopaqe or opaque. All three types
f ctioa iyglaze exte can play a
of opacty ae explaied here. he same
prone role in diectg he mood
white cay was used for each exap e
of a piece A brigh, gossy glaze may convey a feeng o cheerf whisy, wi le a d ry gaze su ace ay cary dar ua nces of eg lec or decay SEMIOPQUE GLZES
ave a higher
cocenraio of col oas or opaciers (or boh) a ransparen glazes Semiopaque glazes perfor beaifuy over a texted su race The color a d opaciy is more concetrated n he recessed areas, whle the ased areas ae oe aspae allowing he srface underneath to show rog This additional rchness and depth accenuates the texured s face
Matte rough or crater-like glaze is best suited for sculptural work
APPCATIONS Glazig appl caio can be as sple
aze rearatn
as a qu ck du nk or as itricae as
Ae yor bsq e ware has been
uti-layered paiting. No maer how
pepared you're ready to pick the g laze.
knowledgeable yo becoe wih e
e glazig pocess always ivolves
art of gazin g, t ee wil always be a
some sspese, bu yo can control
eeme n o supise whe you ope
te reslts by cosidei g two acors
te kil
te firing teperatre ad cio of the piece
Ware rearatn
Snce glazi ng can be qu ie a producon
yo ay find it more eic e to do
forget this gu del ine bush a ow-fire
ay peces at once Before andl g
gaze on a pec e ade rom a cay that
the ware was yor h and s o reove
matures at a hig h e peature ad
any dirt or oil resde that could transer
ten place the piece i a ki ln ha yo
to the ware. You may wat to put o
fie to a h gh emperaure When you
disposable gloves o protect you hads
e's say you
Yo c a p event gl aze from
open he k iln ate te fi ng he ow
coleci g in wanted areas by
fie glaze wil have e ted o the po
applyig a lqud wax resst All yo
and oto everythi g aroud t he
eed is a oam brs wich yo dip
other hand f a hig-fire glaze is fired
sponge reqetly til all sigs o ds
i he esis avai lable rom a cera ic
a a ow temperare e piece i's o
are emoved. Even te cleanes studios
sppy stoe and e careuly appy
wil be coveed with a b bbly crusy
have soe dust paricles in e ai
i o cop leely dry bsqe ware.
surace his resl m ay be faasic
Whe these sele on te ware tey
Apply a i n layer on e botto, whe re
o a scul ptral om but it woud be a
can act as a esist, causing cawig an d
i'l l touch a kil she lf Apply the wax
caastrophe o a uncioal p iece
adherence poblems see page 14)
only where yo wan i because oly a
Le e wae dry o at east an hou .
kn firing will eove i
fro any poetialy toxic gazes Next se a dam p spoge to gently wpe dow e ware
Rse he
Any oisure lef in te clay may
I yo' re usin g a g aze hat teds o
You have he lbery of
adorn ig a scl pure wt any gaze
pevet a sfficient a mo t o gaze
run a pply the wax up onto te si de o
ta speaks the voice of your piece
ro coaing e su rface
he pot about / inch (13 cm rom he
Functional wae however requies
boom Iedaely rinse your brus
more caefl houg h hoose a glaze
rs ino a u d hat stcks to aytn g
whe yo're sh ed Do' use i for
ta will be pleas g o touc. A satiy
it touches. So f yo re a piece wih
ay othe purpose If the wax des o
fii s s soft enough or a an dle and
gaze o t he boom (wete on
yor bush, mel t o i boil ng waer
sil provides enou g action to esure
D rig firin g g aze ges so ot
prpose or i adverenly, e piece
e he wax dry copet ey t 'l
a good grip A bowl coated wth a
wll likely sick to he ki n self
ake about a our before glazig I
gossy ns h may ofer iresistibe
ay glaze slops on e waxed areas, it'
appea to he hand o is ser
jst si on te su race ti l yo wpe it of wih a damp spo nge
nce you deci de o t e type of gaze to se, ead the label to see i it
cotai s any dang eros gedients oxic g azes always eed to be hadled with cae and shold oy be appied o nonf ctioal work Always chec o a e sure the glaze is ood safe befoe appl ying it o a pi ece tha will coe i contact wh food or dri k Wea gloves and a respraor whe applyi ng oxic glaze o a for. Whe yove chosen a a ppopriae glaze, sir t ntil its smooth ad l u p ree A dril wih a m ixer attache t is ide a for a large a ou of glaze thas kep in a bu ce Sa ler cotai es o glaze ca be sirred with a hand held ixe or even a recycled chopstick
Pour the glaze hroug h a sieve to el ii ae ay excessive l mps Mos gazes shoul d have the cosisecy o bteri k I he glaze s oo hic, gradua ly add a bi o wae til i reaches the proper cosistecy If he glaze s oo hi, a ow i o settle copl eely and hen ca reuy scoop some waer o the op. Glazes have a ite shelf lie os will last a leas a year, bu some undergo chemica changes faster f you sspec any alteations, estfire a sample pror to si g it on an impota piece.
lay, like wood, can be staied to ehance its atural beay A patina s si ply a wash of colo thats applied o bisqued clay to enrich its bare su rface. It oos ic e on sooth clay but peorms bes on exure, where i real y hghl ghts he deail. To apply a patia soon, yo ll eed a pain brush a d a sponge A patina souion ca be easily mixed by volume {ollow the recpe on page 1 23). Pait the solo over the desred aea.
ry ot
o dip he brush past the fere the meal bad tha conects he bristles o he handle If the pige collects hee, its very dfcul t to reove an d ca n leach ot to coa nate othe ed ms you migh dp the bsh in et the paia dr y fo at least an h o before you wipe of excess soon rom he raised areas.
se a
damp spoge has reqently i sed i a bucket of waer Always wipe wih a cl ea a rea of the spoge
Patina stands alone beautifuly but a cear or transparent gae can be applied afteward
ipping is the most popla way of applying glae to tilit arian ware an small objects
ied Ware
For he q ickest, easies coveage, di pping is the best etod For ost glazes, one dip s s ally eno g to give a suficiet and even coa. Yo ca se ogs when d ppi ng Before startng, experime to find he mos comotable , ye secre, way o ho d onto he ware)
a e sre your glaze is thoroug hly mixed becase
some gl azes sele qicky Aso check e consi secy requely betwee dps. Submerge he pece fo hree secods, genly swshig t aroud i n te glaze o ae sre t gets io any ooks ad cranies.
Reove the piece rom he glaze a d caeflly sha e
of any excess.
your piece has an teior space, p or ot any
capred g aze Alow he g laze to dy or a ew second s before setng i down your gers or tongs et small arks he g aze, dot a sal l ao nt o glaze o hat spo
nce the glaze is
completely dry, ispect yor wok se a damp spoge to remove any glaze hat igh case he piece to stick to te k i or aothe secion of the same pi ece du ring fir ng (for examp e, a orm ta's fied wi ts lid n place)
Poung is a goo aernaive for ware has oo lage o ip in a gl ae buc ke.
red aze
se hi s mehod or a smooh, even coa o a sig le g laze, or o apply addiion al glazes to sections o a pie ce Fnd a shaow coainer arge eough to hold the ware and catch glaze ruof lace you work in the cotai er wih yo a nds o togs S coop a cup o glaze rom he glaze bucke ad pour i evey over he pece.
Don let he piece si i he coll ected glaze as he wae wi l absorb a uneven aoun of glaze. Soetes even coats of glaze ae itentioa. oweve, too muc glaze ca be uite pobemaic especially if i setles toward he botto of the piece During rg hick glaze can run oto te ki shel Whe yo're finished pori g, hold he piece just side te glaze bce ad shake of ay excess glaze beore setting the piece dow to dry If you wat to aso coa he teior o the piec e, por
t and roate the ware til t he etire n sid e is coaed Wat i e nough gaze o coat the et re sace
o moe ta hree secods ad the pour he reani g glaze bac ito he glaze bce B e carel ot to le oo c g laze colec in e boom of yo piece . f yor pece s lage eno gh at i aes more ha ree secods to coat the nsid e, wipe a we spoge aod t e boto o e p iece before you stat Ths prevents te boto fro absor bg as ch glaze, so youl have ore ie to swil the glaze arou d te om's wall
he easiest way to place glae in specifc areas is to brush it on.
Brushed aze
B rsn g can be a oe ceaiv e approac to glaze decoratio S pontaeou s oveent of a brs stroke ca give caracer o a bank s urface
Yo can eve ayer
brus sroes on top o a dferen, yet copaibe, base coa glaze Don' make te gl aze too tick If yo' re glazig a large area, use a wide bs ta will cover muc o e aea i a few stokes. og i brses ca d ace ac oss te su race of a pie ce, o make a g esua expesson Apply wo o tee eve coats, leting te work d y ate eac layer is added. e ao nt of glaze app ed can vay depending on te in dividal glaze ormula and e desired eects. I yo're u ncerta about ow muc to apply, est te glaze rs. a est piece , a pply two coats i on e area ree coats to aote secio ten our coas o e reainig seco. e drecios o os co ercial glazes recome d wo o for coas. I s ma l areas yo can bypass tis tie cosig pocess by loatng e gaze Satrate e bs ad a pply it o e s rface to ceate a aage abe pool of glaze
Reload te brus frequenty o oat and coa one
perec, eve app lcaio
hoose a long plump fuffy brush that can hold a lot of glae.
TROUBLESOOTING he rests o a g aze fiing can leave you eeli g elaed . or bafed. Eve wih poper knowledge and preparaio, proble s ca occur. e res a list of possible causes and sol ios o coo glaze deecs
n hlng
Durig fi ing, he g laze ca p l away
During the firng a d coolng process
iy oles o pis i te glaze s rface
fro he clay body. Yo ll see a neve
both clay and gl aze expad an d
is a deec kown as pinholing hese
surface o poos or beads, known as
conract. Whe he glaze doest i o
ip eecios ae su ally a esul o
crawling Some gl azes are folaed
est properl y wi he clay body, yo
applyi g too much gaze o firng oo
to ceae his ineresing texure for
get crazing Alhog ths is techcally
as. I ote words, yo heaed he ki l
sclpta orms, b his wouldt be
conside ed a defec, some glazes a re
oo ckly o te volatile gases i side
desirab e for food ware As di scussed
acuay ormulated o craze or crackle
o escape I th s stuaio te glaze
n Ware repaation, g laze st be
Its a lovey aged look b und esrable
doest ave eogh time o atre n
appl ied to a clean srface. I heres
fo ood wae be cause hose ti ny
he uure, ry coatg he wae with a
ds or oil on te clay, prope ad eso
cracks ca be a aven or bactera o
hi e layer o gaze ad en re the
cano occur. hs is oe of e causes
avoid crazi g, choose a g aze tha has
wor at a sl ower ate
of cawli g he proble ca a so occu
a compatble i g rage wh he clay
wen the glaze is too hic.
body. Also, preven he hera sh oc that cases craz g by ever opei ng the kil when the teperatre sde exceeds 200°. Bstering Blisering causes bub bes a d craters in he gaze s rface Is ofe a
sg o a hc glaze that hasnt ared or has been unerfire no heated to a igh eog temperare). Blistering can aso be caused by a glaze tha has been overire To preve his deect, use a thin e glaze applicaio and ae sre the kiln is rig properly P poit any probes by sng pyroetrc coes see page 1 1) o help m onito the accracy o a kil ns atospher c rg tep eaure
Firng Whether yoe been workng with clay for years or jst a few days ts lkely that yo get a thrll openng a kln and seeng your newly fred work. Een eteran ceramsts admt that theres an element of srprse in ths argely scentfc p rocess
firin g urs a oe-dy cay form (greenwae o
m s e fire d You pl ace yor cay for ino a k ln
isq e ware i's ofe cal ed isqe-rig . You
wih oer fors and he a hem o wha a non
ae hese isqed ies ou o e kin pehaps
cerais would conside r very high e peaures
add srace decoaion and nishg coaigs ike
over a exeded period of me. Tis ie in he
glaze and en load he ino he kiln a gai This
ki ca ed ig cases he clay o undego a
secod firng (ofe called glae-firi g perma nenly
molecuar change called q uaz i nverso whic
axes he coaigs o he sfaces o he peces
uns he cay o a cerami c aeial .
Soeimes ee's a hidor even o rerigs
In a shell en firing s ao makng a pece
o acheve e look you wa.
of clay harde and sroger here's ch
he way ha you ap poach ig is o a g rea
more o he process ecase rig c a aso
exen deermi ed y he ype of iln you'e sin g
hel p yo permae y use gaze o a orm's
(o gain a u ndersand ig of e ypes o kis see
srface o a an earier sage i he process
page 22 Mos eginerand soe pofessioa
prepare a for o accep a glae o oer surace
ceramiss se an elecic kiln or his easo e
reame. Fii g is ' a onesep process.
process descied here focses on an eecric
Depedig o your piece ad e desed fiish
il fir g. A he ed of hs caper soe oer
a orm ca nd ergo wo or oe firings A ini ia
common firing m ehods are explained
ad glazes ust be fied o ger a
Wae tat's coaed wi a raw
e speci c tepe raures tey've bee
nred) glaze re res extra care wen
orlaed o.
te pieces are oaded fo a glaze-ri g
I yo've looked s ide a kl n
See page 1 09 for gidance o applying
yo're probably wondeig ow o
gaze to a wae Tat page aso expa s
load e wae because te camber is
ow to coat te botom of a pece
bascaly jus a open a ea Dependig
wi a i i d wax resst. is resist
on e sape and rig sage, some
pevents a piec e fro stcki ngofe
pieces can be stacked on op o oe
permane tlyto a kn sel
a ote. Te rest of te work can be
red glaze is fragile, so adle
accommodated by isertng kn selves
te pieces caefuly Ay paces yo
a are el d i place wi poss ad
dsrb e glaze even wit a ouc
stilts ese kl accessories are ix
wil be visible o e piece ae rig
ad atc, so you ca cofigu re em
a e sre tat t e pieces ae spaced
F s you eed to buil d enoug orms
o best si yo ee ds. Inse rt selves
a leas ic ( 1. 3 c away rom e
to ll e kl . I's a realy bad idea
as yo pack e k, staggering tem
il walls, posts, and ote work G aze
to ru a iln wi ony oe piece in it
or suciet air cclation.
sicks o ayti ng it oces d ng e
becase 's a wase o eectricity o
age tiles or pl aers tat ave
fe A fl ki a so protects yo ware
a sgnifican boom suface need to
fro ea soc, wic causes
ove freely as tey sr ik d uri g a
surface cacks wen e ware cools too
bisue r ig . You can el p te move
i cky. D urng a cool-dow pase of
aoud by spreadin g grog on te se
te pocess, wares n te iln gradually
we reve yo wan o place s c a
elease e ea ey absobed we
piece Gog's sadlike partces elp
te i l was gei g oter, tu s
e wae sit aog te se wiot
eglaing te temperare.
lay orms a ae under going
Wi greenware, it's iportan o
a firs firing s be boedry see
a ow sufcien a iow between e
page 15) we tey're placed i e
pieces ey can ouc, bu so ldn' be
kil If oe isn't dry eog, i coud
packed oo igty. Crowding iterferes
expode we n eaed Yo do' wat
wi eve ea distribi o Star by
tis to ap pen becase e detrtus of a
placi g l arger peces at te botom of
poblem piece ca damage te kil ad
e k ln. Wae ca be placed o n top
te oter ware.
o oe anoer, bu oo c weigt
All d ieet types of clay ca be
fiing process
staced o a lower pece can case it o
fied togeter o an iitial bisuefirng
break Inver and stac plates ad b owls
Wen g aze-fiing , owever, te clay
byDavid Gamble
ADDING A CONE Leave roo i you r ki n o a pymetric coe his s a pyramid-shaped piece
o ceramic maerial (soemes a pyroerc bar is sed istead tha yo se o o io te condiio side a kil tats firig Each cone (or bar is desiged to mo nitor a precise temperae ove a speci c len gth of tie . When it eaces the maturig rage (optial conditions, the ip
beds, sowly ove about 20 mines. Inoaion thas sa lly c luded wit the box of cones yo p rchase gives you a ge ea i dea whe its me to start
Ec K. Phoo couyof SuK
oitorig yor kil Th e coe tha you p in te il s seleced according to te rig
temperare o he ype of clay ad
Yo don jus fill a ki n wih forms, flick
gaze you have sed . ook a the
a swich and wal away. order or he
kin dli g Afte oadig the ware, yo
package hat yor clay came in h e
clay mateial o becoe cera icor
leave he k s id slig hly ajar and he at
aufacrers abel wl sualy ell
for a glaze o fuse propely o a bsq e
it at the lowes possibe setig for or
you te stable cone as i dcaed by
fired sracehe eperare of e
o sx hos. hs dies the greeware
a umber Low-fire earhewae, fo
kil s be raised sowly, hed a a
stl oe
example, gee rally res at coe 04
peak temperature, a d e lowered
oe 022 is for he owest emperate
n a coroled ashon Tis procedure,
o rise faser d rng a g laze-in g, as
of 1 1 2F (600. one 1 3 is or
kow as e rig scedule, d epeds
copared o a bisqefirin g, an d hee
the h ghest teperature o 2F
on the clay body and he ype of kiln
isnt an nial indli ng . You sustai the
The ere rng cold be a n overight
peak temperatre fo a specic lengh
process, or tae several days, dep edi ng
o ie, whic s called givig the kiln a
and time-setting devices should nclde
on the size of the i l . Is most
soa, to alow glaze to flly aure
a coe n every fir ng I fact, soe
mpo rant at yo follow the specific
I ay type o kn rig, yo
kils a re eqip ped with a k ln sitte
nformatio in he kil aufacues
always want to mon ior he pocess
w ch shs of he ri g when a cone
Never le ave a i ln u atede d Even he
Even ki lns hat ave epeatue
bends he desired aont.
A compuerized electric ki n wil l
A bsqueig begs wth a iital
Te teperaure is s aly se
ost odern copterzed kils ca
adjst ad hold inerio teperatres
alncio This a lfncio can esult
as progaed Wih a au al kil
i the kin overheatig, ruing he ware
oweve you co ld be adusi g the
iside, e ki tself, and eve causing
teperature six or more ies over
a re
ervals o oe, fou, or more hours
OTER TYPES OF FRN G Pit rig is a simple, prii tive ethod. D g a hole i he ground thats large eog h or the waes ad combsibles l ike stcks, eaves, ad someies d g. Ware goig o the pi is oten pai ned with terra sig il aa see page 1 and fis bisqed a a vey low empe raure to keep the clay open poous. Te pieces are hen estled n the pt among e combstbles Whe the pi is ig ited, the carbon o te br ig ater as
A it for rig ca easiy be dug i your ow yard. hoose a oe site where you ca safely cotai the fire ad check ocal ordiaces before diggig o r burig
pass ove the clay sraces, ceati ng adom, oganic patters. A fie wih
o bisque-red pieces Redcio is
flames is't he goal Instead, you want
a ge eal te sed o id cae the
the pt to smoder o several hous,
uel-o-oxygen raio i nsde he c osed
ad he cool dow enoug h to safely
atosphere o he kiln .) he gas-fueled
nea th he wares.
rak ki i s ypically a sal oe, and
Artists who wood re ake g rea
heats to aroud cone 0 i n abot 4
pide i his log, laborous pocess
i tes, whic is very ick n ce the
Te wood-red ki ln is typicaly a large,
glaze has maured, the il is opeed.
and-bu it cha be tha brns a leas a
The he glazed ware is etreved ad
cord of wood a sg le firg Te firing
se in a chambe r sc as a pit or etal
ca ae 20 o 30 ours ad eu ires
can ull o combustibles li ke sawdus
consat moiorig The buring wood
or newspaper. Tis p ocess in dces
trs to as and is all owed to res on
hermal shock, casi g intenioa
the wares, ofe prodc ig r ch, earthy
cacs n t he s ace o soe types
flashes of color o te su rface Sch
o glazes nce ignied, the chaber
flashes ae te hal marks o he wood
is sealed, hus al lowig cabo o
fiing process
peetrae the bare clay ad urn it blac
Rak s a ancient apanese firg
arbo also interacs wih glazes tha
pocess that uses a l ow-fire edcio
cotai copper ad creaes beauifl
ethod o add n que suace eects
ases o metali c colo.
Templates GEOMETRC VESSEL, PAGE 60 Enlag 25%
f Base
cut 1 fom cardstoc
ct 1 fro cardstock
cut 3 fom clay
ct 1 fro clay op
cu 1 ro cadsock p
cu 1 ro clay
cut 1 rom cardsoc
ct 1 fo cadstock
cut 4 rom clay
ct 3 fo cl ay
oom oom
Bdy Nk
� ct 1 fo cardsoc � ct 1 fo clay
� cu rom cardsock � cu rom cay
c ro cardsock c 2 ro cay nt an Back Wal
cu 1 rom cadstock cut 2 rom c ay Botom
Se Wall
cu rom cardsock cu 2 rom c ay
cu 1 rom cardstock cu 1 rom cay
Recipes ere are a few recipes to whet your appette for mxn your own slip, base, and more. Before makn a selection, note the type of ware that t's ntended for and always consder the ware's frn temperature. Wi e exception o te Patin a Was and Terra Sigil aa, e nu mbers in te ing edents are percenages of te total wic en abes ceamists to mx any vole de sied oreover te glazes can be altered by adding recoended percentages of colorants to ceate an excing palete Te n gredients o al bu one o ese recipes (e tera sigil lata) are easu red by weg. o mix p a recipe yo' l n eed a scale, two buckets a ixe ubber gloves, and a ask or respirator M easure te dry ing redens into a bcket and mix n en oug waer o acieve e consstency specied in te in strctions Pour e liqu id og a seve tas resing on te second bcke. f necessay p s e glaze rog te sieve wi a rbber r b. S ieve one m ore time. e e conens rest o 4 ours beore application to a for
• WHITE SLIP, CONE 41 A to t-d Feldspar Kaolin (EPK) Flint Bentonite PyrophylI ite Total
25. 5 5 . 5. .
• TERRA SIGILLATA, CONE 84 A to o -d 2 g ml 25 g
Ball clay or red art clay Water Sodium silicate
Mix e ingredien s wel in lrge, cl e glss conin e, nd le he conens sele for 24 ho rs Te m ixe wil sele ino ree disnc lyers Sipon of e op lye o we nd
Sieve nd mix he in gedens o
dscd i he mi dde lyer is he err sigil l; siph on i no
he consisency of spli pe sop
lidded conner iscd e boom lye
• PATNA WAS A to qu w. This recipe by
• JACKIE'S BASE, CONE 4 A to qu w.
. Oxide o r stain Kaolin (EPK) Frit 32
Gerstley Borate Flint
Kaoin (EPK)
Nepheline syenite
Lithium Total
3. 2. 5. 5.0
l : Add 2% cobl crbone : Add 3 % copper cbone nd 2% ed ron oxide l: Add 4% ed ron oxde ix he i ngediens, ddi ng en ough wer
Mix e i ngrede ns o he consisency
o chieve e consisency o berik,
o skim i k
nd hen sieve
• GLAZE BASE, CONE 1 A to q u w. Flint Kaolin (EPK) Feldspar Whiting Total
25. 5. . 2. .
• CLEAR GLOSS GLAZE, CONE o&-04 A to qu w. Gerstley borate Flint Kaolin (EPK) Total
65. 25. . .
l Add 2% cob crbone l : Add 2 % cob crbone
Add 3% cop pe crbone
: Add 3% copper cbone
l l Add 4% red ron oxide
l l Add 3 % r ed ion oxi de Mix e ingrediens, dding enough we o cheve e c onsi sency o bei k, n d hen sieve
Mix e in grediens, d din g enou gh wer o chieve he conssency o bueri lk, nd hen sieve.
Glossary of Ceramic Terms Alumna. A stabiliig ngredient sed in
Cone A elogated pyramid of ceraic
Glaze. A liqui d ixture cotai ing a
glaes at ave a ig h melin g poi
aerial omulaed to bend ad melt at
glass former hat s appied o te
a specific emperaure n a kln ri g
srface o a clay body. Oce red, it
Armatue A ramewor pon whic a
clay scupure is bult. Banding wheel A mobie turntable ta
enables he a ts to reely tr wor witot andling i. Bat. A sall ware board o w ic work
is ade transported ad d ied. Bsque ware. Cera ic maeral hat as
undergoe a low iniia firing process to prepare t for gazing. Bunishing A nisng process
Deca An mage ade from chia
paits hat i s aserred oto a ed glazed s rface ad fired bewee cone 0 and cone 01
clay body to exrize and to decrease
Eahenware. A coo clay body ta
ares a a low te perature rage Engobe A ype o sli p use d to decorate
he sface of a ceramic for
ha turs clay into a ceraic materia
srkage ad wapage Hand buildng Consrctin g wor i
clay by pcing , coi g, or shapg ad joiin g slabs , wthou the se o a poer's weel. Kn A devce sed o fire ceraics.
It i s also used o fse glae a d oher
Kn wash. A mi xe of refracory
decoative ateria ls to te clay srface
mateias coaed on il fr ure o
process gives the aeral stregth a d
Fit. Te aderece relationship a glae
as to a gven cl ay body
Chop mark An i prit i clay made
Foccuant. An addtive sed o hel p
by a samp wth a personal si gatue
preve igredi es o setli ng
or mark
a gaze
Cay A type o pulverized rock combi ed
Fux. ateral ats used to lowe te
wit varous organic aerials Wen
elg poi o a gae ad to elp i
fired clay podces a ceramic medi
use to e cl ay body
Coddle. Raises wo for access o te
Foot The base o a ceac sculpre
or uilitaia object to give ift or sabiliy
rolled pieces of clay
Gog Sad like pa ticles of red clay
he vscosy of a liu d edu
dry clay to a pois ed shi e
Coing A andbild ig ecnie si g
Geenwae. An u ed clay fo.
graded vaous sizes t is added o a
Fing. The essenial eatig process
a stae o ceic a coveson his
permaet coatg.
Defloccuant. A add tve used o lower
invoving ru bbng leaher-hard o boe
Ceamc Cay tha as bee fired to
uses to he ceramic s uface, creaing a
o the orm Ft A type of ux maufacred o
el at specific epeatues.
proec it fo mel tig g laze Mod. An object use d to give cay
srcte o denit ion ca be in he orm o a slup p sprig o r press mold . Oxide. atural maeial sed o color
clay glaze ad oher decoraive medims. Patna. Coloed was s ed o sain a
bare ceramic suace. Pnchng A had-buildg mehod of
sueez ng clay bewee fing ers and hu mb to orm a scl ptre or po
G L0 Y
0 C M C M
Plasy he stae o damp c lay with
Slab roe A mechancal device sed
Vsosy Te resistence o ow in a
a cosisency pliable eo gh o be
to for s abs of clay
Slp A liquid orm o clay coaed on a
Vraon Te process whe a
clay su rface for decorative eects
glaze or clay body s ed to a dense,
formed der presse witho crackg o breakig Porelan A whe rascent high
fie clay body capabe o reachng he
Spr A ow-elie decoraio aen
nonabsorben sage.
fro a sal mold. Its appled o he
Ware board A obile, poos
surface of a o w ile bot pi eces are
fla srace sed as a base wen
stll ost.
constructg ad transportig wor.
San A an acured coorant sed o
Warpn ntended bending of a
tint nderglaze, slip ad glaze ans
form caused by rapidly dryi g o firng
Pyomeer A devce sed o easure
come i a wide variey of colors ad a e
a pece
te interi or emperatre of a kn
ore eliabe tha natural oxides
Refraory maeas Conten used
Soneware A dese, hig fire clay body
clays, kl fture and ki l slaio
thats suitable for food ware
g hest vtreous stae. Porosy e sae of clay fired o a
ow temperare; pores remai ope n eogh for waer o seep troug.
that resists hig eat and eltg Rm he li p or top edge o a for Safo A decorative tech ique
te finest cay partcles, w ic prodces
a sati shee
sli p o evea a contrasing clay coo
exposig a ce ramic for o extree
teperature chages can est i
temperare Seve A wire esh tesi l o stai
iqi d decoraive medis Sla Te most coo glae
ng redie tat acts as a gl ass omer Slabbn A handbuidng metod using
shees of clay in vaios hicknesses o form a tie scul pure o pot
Wedn Kneadn g clay o x i
toroughly, emove air, and iprove
Thermal shok A pocess o quickly
as it dres ad s red to a give
bisqe ware o bloc glaze absorpio
Tera sllaa A decorave coating o
ade by scratching though a laye o
Shnkae The rae cay shrinks
Wax ess A coang has appl ied to
cracking or bea kig of te surace treatmen Undeu egaive space c ito
a om to creae a overhag, to be avoided when making stamps or olds Undelaze A decoraive medium
appl ied to greenware or bsq e wae sed alone or d er a glae
Contbutng Atsts len, ll Porland, Oregon Page 33
sher, rank ames Milord, ichiga Page 84
Km, yung-n orrace, Calioa Page 67
hess, hrs o Venon Washi gon age 67
Balard, lce Greenville, So Carolina Page 3
sher, ynn Bellaire Michigan Page 83
Km, ae-n og Beac, Caliorna Page 67
rre, Sue ivigson, Monana age 56
Berg, ache Taconic Conecicu Page 8
rehe, aul shevile Nor Carolina Page 0
Knutsn, Barbara Woodsoc Vero n Page 83
sdale, ames sn Texas age 4
Beyeler, agge ae Sana e New Mexco Page 85
rtts, ebra oswel Georgia Page
Kubae, ancy erodon, Norh Caroa Page 105
Waker, ly andolp Vermon age 5
Bdwel , enney enver, Colorado Page 3
entthes, arl Seagrove, Norh Caoa Page 3
ee, yntha Barnardsville orh Caoia Page 104
Wee, ngng N ew Yo , N ew Yor age 33
Burke, ynne Harwell Georgia Page 05
nzalez, rthur laeda C alforia Page 5
endes, enny Cheseland Ohio Page 4
Wech, ran shevlle, Norh Carolia ages 45 56
ave, arn radelhia asas Page 57
ranads, uan Lbb oc, exas Page 3
cklw, nathan Evergree, Cooado Page 8
Westby, ars Baore Marylad age 43
lague, sa Baesvile, orh Caoia Page
regg, Barry W. eca Georgia Page 03
cklw, Vaere Evergree Coorado Page 8
Wlsn, ana el Mar, Caifornia ages 85 103
ughln, atrck Gaiesvile, Florda Page 04
arer, dwards shevile, Nor Carolina Page
erantzz, Sand Phiadelh a, ensylvana Pages 56, 5
Wunderlch, ans ars Coubus, Ohio age 3
ls, eldy Edwadsvie Ilinois Page 05
amesn, Kerry ondon, Uied Kingdo Page 4
Sev n, an cy Bereley, Ca iforia Page 103
verett, enn fer Gorha, Mane Page 83
Kerrgan, hmas ucso iona Page 3
Smth, Wesey Knoxvill e, en essee Page 45
nnerty, Kathryn Peasa Hill Orego Page 85
Keer, Krsten Baldwinville Massachses Page 84
Summerfeld, z t Baersville, orh Caoina Page 57
e wa rpred and
deli ghed. Si ce ha day mre ha 17 yea ag wrking wh clay and eachi g i yeie have becme he gea pain f he fe Say i a ceac a wh wk excuively wih ad-bu il m S he hld a degree in ceram ic f Rin gli ng Sc Ar and De g c pleed a hee year reid ecy a Odyey Cener he Ceram ic A, and received a chlahip Waerhed Cee fr he Ceraic Ar Say wned and peaed he Cll ecive an d SudiGal lery where he ag clae ad craed ceamic exibiin. She ve n Ahevie rh Caria
ht byCag Ch
A a acive ari ad eacer, h er w i dip ayed i ga lerie a d pera ne clecin a na ly. ee re Shay' wr vii h er webie a shayambecom
• My m her, Eane Rech w ha give e ellar guid ace ad haed er grammaica experie • Davd Bolt fr h ngn g paage ad many year believng in me • Ma Beson fr peni g a y dr f pprniy n y career; • My be fried Tom Metcal wh re ded me augh during e ge ie • C r a g C h i l d s , f he uppr, aiance ad paience ha we abve ad beyd he cal dy; a d • My faher Jesse Reich wh gifed me wih e abi liy eac.
Th Gai e Thy aey, Sua Hxley, Seve Man Kaheen cCaery, ahalie ru eh Swee, S ua nne T rill Marg Wall Fran Wech Cri rya, ef Haln, Jacke Kerr S ha n Ykeey