Tsolutionsinc@bellsouth.net embroidere apparel. 2250 NW 96th Ave Miami (305) 593-0213. BK Group/sittingpretty.com Teets 1949 60 St N. Popular BellSouth 2250BK (22 Channels) 2-Way Radio questions, problems & fixes. Find expert solutions to common issues, DIY guides, repair tips & user manuals for all Radio Communications. Bellsouth 2250 one radio is locked - how do I unlock it. I have 2 brand new 2 way radio model 2250 bk and only one of them can transmit and the other.
This page is provided as a service to Swan collectors and others associated with Vintage Amateur Radio activities.
In order to sustain use of older American amateur radio equipment, it is necessary to make easy movement of these radios into the hands of interested hams. To make this possible, we will list your for sales, trades and wants here.
Also, we want to be helpful to the buyer and seller. In this regard, we ask that you provide the serial number(s) of the equipment you are listing. By these numbers, we can determine the production run, date of manufacture, associated schematics and service bulletins and so forth. We don't print the serial numbers in the ad unless requested by the seller.
Submit listings to: SwanRadio@AltaVista.com or by paper-mail to WA9AZK, W7RXG or K4BOV. OR, you can leave ANY information, be it listings, suggestions, comments on Swan Net operations, Swan News content, etc., in our guest logbook below.
Although we do our best to assess the value and condition of listed items, we cannot vouch for the worthiness of any listing.
However, we do maintain a 'behind the wall' list of equipment for sale. This equipment has been determined to be less than good working or lacks near original appearance. If you need parts, accessories, tubes, old manuals, test equipment, power supplies or complete parts radios, send us an inquiry on a specific item. The list is extensive - for example, it contains at least a dozen Tempo One transceivers.
Please advise us when and if your listing has been satisfied. Without any notification as to status, phone numbers are removed after 45 days and entire listing after 60 days.
SWAN 350D SSB Transceiver: W/Digital Readout. Collector Quality w/Manual, Microphone and WM200A Peak Reading Wattmeter/SWR Bridge. For Further Information Contact: bear658@gateway.net
SWAN 350 SSB Transceiver: W/117C Power Supply. $150 Plus Shipping. Contact: Sheila Larsen (916) 386 1138 or SheilaHAIRKUTS@aol.com
SWAN 14A DC Module for Cygnet Radio. $30 Plus Shipping/Insurance. Contact: Jimmie Fox/K7JAD in Portland (503) 774 3441 or k7jad@hotmail.com
SWAN 750CW SSB Transceiver: W/Matching Power Supply. $300. Contact: Andy/K2ISN or (716) 532 2250
SWAN 250 6M Transceiver: W/Power Supply. $200 Plus Shipping. Contact: John Tolbert/WC4P, 4503 Grace Drive,Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 288 2631 or skcm@chartertn.net
SWAN Mark II Linear Amplifier: Complete W/Manual and New 3-500Z Tubes. $600 Plus Shipping. Contact: Dave Stone/N5AHP at (501) 354 3331 or N5AHP@mev.net
SWAN 750CW HF SSB Transceiver: W/PSU-3 Power Supply and Digital Display. Will Trade for 2 Meter/440 Dual Band Mobile Radio. Contact: John/N9RQV or n9rgv@gte.net
SWAN 500CX SSB Transceiver: W/Power Supply. $150 Plus Shipping. Contact: Tim/N9RO or TIM@timwietlispach.com
SWAN 400G Commercial SSB Transceiver: W/Power Supply and Crystal Oscillator Box. $125 plus shipping. Contact: John/AC5TX or andersonj@acu.edu
SWAN 350D SSB Transceiver: Collectors Item - Unused Since Purchase. $550 Plus Shipping. Contact: Phil Hoeflich/K3JAW or pawoobie@gte.net
SWAN 260 SSB Transceiver: W/Manual, Mic and Most Factory Mods. $150 Plus Shipping. Postal MO only. Contact: Lou at FFSTA17@AOL.COM or Tech@DP.NET
SWAN 14A DC Adapter for SWAN 270B, 300B, 350A, 350B, and 350D. VX-1 VOX Unit, and FP1 Phone Patch. Each Item $25 Plus Shipping. Contact: Dennis/NS6C @ (714) 963 8593 or sullivanja2000@yahoo.com
SWAN 500C SSB Transceiver: W/117XC Power Supply, New PA Tubes. $150. Contact: Lee/KF4BZJ or E-mail: bb3@bellsouth.net or (843) 747 5937
SWAN 350 SSB Transceiver: W/117X(Needs Power Cord). Also, SWAN 350 Parts Radio. $100 Takes Both. Contact: Lee/KF4BZJ or E-mail: bb3@bellsouth.net or (843) 747 5937
SWAN TWINS: Complete Station: 600R Custom SS-16 Special Receiver W/SSB, CW and AM Filters and Model 330 General Coverage Tuner. Also includes 600SP Speaker Cabinet W/built-in FP1 Phone Patch. 600T Transmitter W/Attached Cooling Fan, VX-2 VOX Unit and SWAN CM17L Desk Mike. Includes all Cables, Manuals, Original Boxes and Spare Finals. $1195 or Best Offer - Includes UPS Shipping Anywhere in CONUS. Contact: Duff/W3AMF (215) 968 9747 or dpa@fast.net
SWAN DD-76 Digital Dial: $125. Contact: Jerry/K8RA at 614-764-5872 or K8RA@aol.com
SWAN 500CX SS-16 Special SSB Transceiver: W/117XC, 508 Remote VFO. $400. Contact: Jerry/K8RA at (614) 764 5872 or K8RA@aol.com
SWAN 600 Twins: SWAN 600R Receiver W/SS16B Filter. SWAN 600T SSB Transmitter W/VOX Unit. As a Set $650 Plus Shipping. Contact: Kenneth Hills/KB2LES, 14418 Blackberry Dr, Wellington, FL 33414 or (561) 686 8299 or interframe@aol.com
SWAN 350 SSB Transceiver: W/117XC AC Power Supply and Factory Installed 100Kc Crystal Calibrator. $175 Plus Shipping. Contact: Kenneth Hills/KB2LES, 14418 Blackberry Drive, Wellington, FL 33414 or (561) 686 8299 or interframe@aol.com
SWAN Mark II Linear Amplifier: WPower Supply. $650. Contact: Jerry/K8RA at (614) 764 5872 or k8ra@aol.com
SWAN ST-2 3KW PEP Antenna Tuner. Both Forward and Reflected Power Meters and Built-in 4:1 Balun. $250. Contact: Jerry/K8RA in Columbus, OH at (614) 764 5872 or K8RA@aol.com
SWAN MARK II Linear Amplifier: Have JPEG Photo if Needed. $425. Will Split Shipping Cost. Contact: John/AC5TX or andersonj@acu.edu
SWAN SS-200A SSB Transceiver: W/Manual & Power Cord - Make Offer Contact: Tom 'T. Carl' Dailey/WA0EAJ (303)455 0889 or daileyservices@uswest.net
SWAN 512 DC Power Supply: Will Operate ANY SWAN Transceiver That Requires an External P/S. $60. Contact: John/W2LKS or jenydeli@bellatlantic.net
SWAN 500C SSB Transceiver: Recently Reconditioned and New PA tubes. Includes 117XC Power Supply $275. Contact: Bob/WA6KER (909) 682 5084
SWAN 350 SSB Transceiver: W/117XC Power Supply and VX-1 VOX Unit. Also, Factory Installed Crystal Calibrator and Selectable Sideband Kits. $200 Shipped. Contact: Paul/K4HCM or E-Mail: K4HCM@bellsouth.net
SWAN VX-1 VOX Unit: Bought Brand New and Never Used. In original box w/instructions. $40 shipped. Contact: Matt Biehl/K2MAC, 174 Lincoln Blvd., Kenmore, NY 14217-2312 or (716) 876 3259
SWAN 1200W 80-10 Meter Linear Amplifier: W/Manual. $210 Plus Shipping. Contact: Ron Deblasio (504) 641 2779 or E-MAIL: deblasio@communique.net
SWAN 406B EXTERNAL VFO: Operates Model 400 and 500 Tranceivers. Also, will operate with Model 350 When VFO Adaptor Socket Installed. $50. Contact: Tom/N5WYZ (915) 581 3036
SWAN 410 EXTERNAL VFO: $100 Shipped. Contact: swanradio@AltaVista.com
SWAN 350 SSB TRANSCEIVER: W/117XC Power Supply. Recently Reconditioned. $275. Contact: Terry/KE6RWB or terrance.payne@icon.siemens.com
SWAN 350 SSB TRANSCEIEVER: W/New tubes, No Power Supply. Will trade for SWAN Antenna Tuner. Contact: rmier@oznetcom.com.au
SWANAstro 150 SSB TRANSCEIVER: No Power Supply. Contact: Sam/K4NDY or dyehouse@alltel.net
SWAN 500CX SSB TRANSCEIVER: W/External VFO, VX2 VOX Unit and Power Supply. $395. Contact: Nick/KB2SN via E-mail: jleimone@aol.com
SWAN 700CX SSB TRANSCEIVER: W/AC Power Supply and VX2 VOX Unit. New Tubes Recently Installed. $475. Contact: Nick/KB2SN via E-Mail: jleimone@aol.com
SWAN 500 SSB TRANSCEIVER: W/Power Supply. Contact: Ralph/W4MCJ at (864) 963 1622
SWAN 700CX SSB TRANSCEIVER: W/Power Supply. Recently Reconditioned. $300. Contact: Wes/KA6ELK or (619) 445 9157
SWAN 500 SSB TRANSCEIVER: W/Power Supply. $350. Contact: Jim/K2CAB 164 Hadley Drive, Clarksville, TN 37042 or (931) 572 9058
SWAN Model 14-C Plug-in DC Module for 117X DC Operation. $50 Shipped. Contact: SwanRadio@AltaVista.com
SWAN... Your Listing Could Be Here! Want The SWAN & Vintage Trader By E-Mail - Send Requests: SwanRadio@AltaVista.com
SWAN 350 SSB Transceiver: Last run of 350's produced in late 1967. Includes 117XC AC Power Supply. Contact: Philip Poling/W4DNZ, 361 Springfield Drive, Bristol, TN 37620-0745 or E-Mail: p.poling@ieee.org
SWAN 270B SSB Transceiver: Works; but, cosmetically well below a 10: $115 shipped. Contact: WA8X at peitsch@concentric.net
SWAN (Shure 444) Desk Mic. $75 shipped. Contact WA8X at peitsch@concentric.net
SWAN ASTRO 150A SSB TRANSCEIVERS: (2) Units. W/Mike $300. Without Mike $250. Contact: Doug/WA1TUT or dslosty@pipeline.com
SWAN ASTRO 150 SSB TRANSCEIVER: W/ST-3 Antenna Tuner, Manual and Up/Down Mic. Contact: Sam Taylor/KO6JQ or cygnet@cncnet.com
NON-WORKING SWAN PSU-6 Power Supply W/Schematic. $39.95 Plus Shipping. Contact: Duff/W3AMF (215) 968 9747 or dpa@fast.net
WANTED: 120 Monoband 20 Meter Transceiver: No Modifications. Contact: Pete/W6JFR at pjw6jfr@olypen.com
WANTED: SWAN 160X SSB Transceiver W/Power Supply. Contact: Joe Cro/N3IBX or yardleyite@aol.com
WANTED: SWAN DD-76 Digital Dial And Mark II Linear Amplifier. Contact: John Magnone by E-Mail: jm1132@hotmail.com
WANTED: SWAN 250 or 50C 6M Transceiver: No Power Supply Required. Contact: Ken Ketner: Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism, MS 0002, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-0002 (806) 742 3128 or ketner@arisbeassociates.com
WANTED: Power Connector and Micrphone for Astro 150. Contact: Jim Hunter (612)654 150 or hunterlj@earthlink.net
WANTED: SWAN 117B, 117C, 117X or 117XC Power Supply. Contact: Richard/KC5GJY
WANTED: CW Filter For SWAN 600R Receiver. Contact: Paul/W8CDM or W8CDM@aol.com
WANTED:SWAN 117AC Power Supply. Contact: Don/W6LRG or W6LRG@Elite.net
WANTED:SWAN 400 W/External VFO and Power Supply. Contact: Mike by E-mail: daggett@rural-net.com
WANTED: SWAN SS200A and SWAN Monobanders. Contact: Jim/KI5YI or KI5YI@swbell.net
WANTED: SWAN 350 SSB Transceiver. Contact: Guido/IK1BES Via Guido Scaiola - C.so Ricci 14/A - 17100 Savona - Italy Mob. +39 348 7101455 or Via E-mail: gscaiola@samare.it or guscaiol@tin.it
WANTED: SWAN 6B Six Meter Linear Amplfier: Working or Not. Contact: John/K5WC or E-Mail: K5WC@aol.com
WANTED: SWAN 508 External VFO or 410C External VFO W/Model 22B VFO Adaptor. Contact: Jamie/KB8FBZ (740)266-6932 or E-mail: glorybound@uov.net
WANTED: SWAN 270B Meter. Also Want: Top Cabinet Cover For SWAN 270B. Contact: James Lueck/W5LWU or luecknik@world-net.net
WANTED: SWAN 250 OR 250C Six Meter Transceiver: Contact: Mike Sirmans/KF4IDC In Munford, AL or kf4idc@mindspring.com
WANTED: SWAN 210 External VFO: Contact Ben/K9BEN in Niceville, FL or (850) 678-8113 or ben@seii.net
WANTED/TRADE: Need SWAN 508 External VFO 2nd Version. Function Switch Has TRANS A & B Labeled. Will Buy or Trade for My Original Version Which is Labeled '500C' TRANS & REC. Will sell outright $100. Contact: Rob/AG6RT or E-Mail: rdt89@fix.net
WANTED: SWAN MARK I Or MARK II Linear Amplifier. Contact: Tom/AA3MN (202) 895 0211 after 5PM.
WANTED: SWAN 230XC or 230X AC Power Supply. Contact: Mike/KD6DMH (530) 295 0150 or mgolub@calweb.com
WANTED: SWAN 750CW SSB TRANSCEIVER. Contact: N1JUT/Georges Saucier in NH or springer@artragrafx.com
WANTED: SWAN Linear Amplifier - Working or Not. Also Want SWAN 600T Transmitter - Working or Not. Also Want SWAN 250 - Working or Not. Contact: Randy Scott/KC4ULS (912) 589 7696 or rscott@pineland.net
WANTED: SWAN 103BX Transceiver - Working or not and any spare modules for same. Contact: Jay/WA7YKE (303) 973 7711
WANTED: SWAN 1200X or 1200W Part. Need the 'MC RANGE' Knob W/Silver Insert. Contact: Richard Renkes/KI0WA in Las Vegas area (702) 259 9566 or renkes@fiax.net
WANTED: SWAN 400 SSB TRANSCEIVER with VFO and Power Supply. Contact: K5APL/Wes or k5apl@cs.com
WANTED: SWAN 330 General Coverage Tuner and DD-76 Digital Dial For 600R RECEIVER. Contact: Jim Brown/K0YLW (785) 364 3989 OR EMAIL: K0YLW@YAHOO.COM
Grand theft auto 5 car cheats codes. Sep 17, 2013 For Grand Theft Auto V on the Xbox 360, GameFAQs has 116 cheat codes and secrets. Grand Theft Auto 2 and 3 reference. In the sports car heist mission, Franklin must get an old car called the Z-Type. That was the car driven by the Zaibatsu Corporation in GTA 2, and a luxury car in GTA 3. Grand Theft Auto 4 references. Brucie Kibbutz from Grand Theft Auto 4.
WANTED: SWAN PSU-7 Or PSU-9 Power Supply. Can trade a PSU-5 or Heath 2040A Legal Limit Antenna Tuner or Cash. Contact: Sam Taylor/KO6JQ or cygnet@cncnet.com
WANTED: SWAN VOX UNIT: Contact: Richard/W4WE (727) 446 0886
WANTED: SWAN Accessories: VX-2 VOX Unit, DD-76 Digital Dial, Model 510X Crystal Oscillator and ST2A or ST3A Antenna Tuner. Contact: Gino De Nobili Via F.Selmi 71B, 00156 Rome Italy or Krivak@tiscalinet.it
WANTED: SWAN DD-76 Digital Dial. Contact: Ben Finger/K9BEN at (850) 678-8113 or ben@seii.net
WANTED: Meter for SWAN WM-2000 or WM-2000A Wattmeter. Contact Bart/K6UNR at derry1@gte.net
E F JOHNSON Low Pass RF Filter #250-0020-001. 1 KW 52 Ohms. Unused in original box w/mounting hardware/brackets. $50 Shipped. Contact: KimN609@juno.com
YAESU FV-101Z External VFO and SP902 Speaker/Phone Patch. Will trade for SWAN Equipmment. equipment. Contact: Eric Gonzales at (405) 273 1659 or KC2ETW@Yahoo.com
EICO Multi-Signal Tracer Model 145. Make Offer. Contact: markr@abccom.bc.ca
DRAKE 'C' Line Station: T4XC, R4C, MS4 and AC4. $600. Contact: Gerry Bishop/K8NIH
DRAKE SPR-4 GENERAL COVERAGE RECEIVER: W/Manual. $300 Shipped. Contact: SwanRadio@AltaVista.com
HAMMARLUND HQ100A RECEIVER: W/Clock and Matching Hammarlund Speaker. $175 Shipped. Contact: Kim609@MailCity.com
HEATHKIT ANTENNA TUNER SA-2040: W/Manual. $100 Shipped. Contact: Kim609@mailcity.com
COLLINS 30L1 LINEAR AMPLIFIER: $425. Contact: Hal Davis/W8MTI - Box 1, Leslie, MI 49251-0001 Tel: 517-589-8179 or haldavis@modempool.com
NATIONAL NC-183 COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER: Trade or Best Offer. Contact: rmier@oznetcom.com.au
TEMPO ONE SSB TRANSCEIVER: W/AC1 Power Supply and spare set 6JS6C PA tubes. $175. Contact: John Anderson/AC5TX or andersonj@acu.edu
JACKSON DRIVES: VFO Drives for Swan. $9.00 each. $7.50 each in lots of (4) four. Contact: Brian Carling/AF4K or af4k@earthlink.net
KENWOOD TL922A LINEAR AMPLIFIER: $1000 shipped. Contact: Art/WA2ZCO (914) 737 4360
HEATH HL2200 LINEAR AMPLIFIER: $600 Shipped. Contact: Art/WA2ZCO (914) 737 4360
AMERITRON AL-811 LINEAR AMPLIFIER: W/Manual, Schematic & 3 Spare New 811A Tubes. 10M/12M Mod Installed. $520 Shipped. Contact: Ray/WW7OO at (520) 458 9711 or wally@c2i2.com
GALAXY 300 SSB TRIBAND TRANSCEIVER: 80-40-20 Meters W/PSA-300 Power Supply/Console. Make Offer. Will Trade for 5 Band Equipment. Also have Galaxy AC-400 Power Supply. Make Offer. Contact John Anderson/AC5TX or andersonj@acu.edu
CENTRAL ELECTRONICS 100V: $500. Contact: N3PHF or GJK@twd.net
COLLINS SALE: KWM-380 SSB Transceiver, 75A1 Receiver, 75A2 Receiver, 32V2 Transmitter, 32V3 Transmitter, KWS-1 Transmitter, 75A4 Receiver, 62S1 VHF Converter. Contact: Dave/W3ST knepper@lenzlink.net
DRAKE TR-7/R-7 13 Extender Boards and Digital Jumper Card: Original Service Kit. $60 plus $3.20 for postage. Contact: Bob/W7AVK or rsrolfne@atnet.net
HEATHKIT SB-102 SSB Tranceiver: w/AC Power Supply. $225. Contact: Bob/W3IGE at cadfun@juno.com
HEATHKIT Q Multipliers: HD-11 and QF-1. $35 each. Contact: Bob/W3IGE at cadfun@juno.com
GALAXY 300 TRIBAND SSB TRANSCEIVER: Includes PSA- 300 AC Power Supply/Speaker Console w/clock. Contact: jim_allen@hp.com
LAFAYETTE COMSTAT 19 CB Transceiver: Excellent Condition. Tube Type Base Unit w/Mic. Xtal Control w/tunable receive. $50 shipped. Contact: KimN609@juno.com
GALAXY AC Power Supplies: AC-35 $75. PSA-300 $100. Contact: swanradio@AltaVista.com
EICO 717 ELECTRONIC KEYER: $25 Shipped. Contact: KimN609@Juno.com
YAESU FT101ZD ALL-MODE HF TRANSCEIVER: W/Manual. $400. Contact: Kim609@MailCity.com
REGENCY 2 Meter Transceiver: W/Power Supply. $75 shipped. Contact: SwanRadio@AltaVista.com
WANTED: YAESU FLDX400 Transmitter: Working or Not. Contact: Tony Hughes by E-Mail: ahughes@atrad.com.au
WANTED: Collins 30S1 Linear Amplifier. Working or Not; But, Must Be Good Cosmetically. Contact: Swavek/VK3TS or E-mail: swavek@primus.com.au
WANTED: Drake 'C' Line - Want Complete Station. Can Pick up Nearly Anywhere in Northern USA and Canada. Contact: Tom/VE6TG or (403) 615 4003
ELECTRON TUBES: (2) NOS Raytheon 6HF5 Power Pentodes. $40 for both/Shipped. Contact: Rich/WA2RQY or RLUCCH2098@aol.com
ELECTRON TUBES: Matched set of 6HF5 Power Pentodes for SWAN 350, 400, 500, Galaxy 300, III, V and others. $45 shipped. Contact: Marc/KF6VNT or mbruvry@pacbell.net
ELECTRON TUBES For SBE-34: Matched GE 6GB5 Pentodes w/12DQ7 Driver $29 shipped. Contact: KimN609@juno.com
ELECTRON TUBES: Matched set of four (4) 31LQ6 Power Pentodes W/Instructions for retrofitting 6LQ6 Linear Amplifiers. $85 Shipped. Contact: KimN609@juno.com
ELECTRON TUBES: Receiving and Industrial Tube List
ELECTRON TUBES: RCA JAN-832A Unused/NOS W/Bright Red Label. Have (51) $10 Each. Contact: KimN609@juno.com
WANTED: 3-500Z with full output. Contact: John/AC5TX or andersonj@acu.edu
WANTED: Pair of 6MC6 Electron Tubes. Contact: Ben Finger/K9BEN Anytime (850) 678-8113 or ben@seii.net
New Parts & Service:
Antique Electronic Supply - Electron Tubes
Mouser Electronics - HV Capacitors
International Crystal Manufacturing - Crystals
International Radio - Crystal Filters
ALO's Radio Restoration - Panel Painting
TRESCO - Cinch Jones Plugs
Lashen Electronics - Contact Cleaner
Delaware Camera & Video
DowKey - Coaxial Relays
R L Drake - Drake Replacement Parts
HAM HATS - Personalized Embroidered Ham Hats
Custom Glass Antenna Insulators
On-Line Merchants
On-Line Auctions
Other Swan Radio Network Pages:
Swan Radio Network
Swan & Vintage Radio TechLine
Swan Radio Network Exchange Links
Swan Power Amplifier Tube Data
Swan General Hobby & Sports News
Swan Net Silent Keys
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